Woman dies after heroic attempt to save her boyfriend from fire allegedly started by his ex


Anastasia Ettienne tragically perished in a devastating fire that also took the life of her boyfriend, Edward Jacobs, 35, in Jamaica, Queens. The fire is alleged to have been started by Jacobs’ ex-girlfriend, Aliya Fakhri, 43, in the early hours of November 26.

Jacobs, a dedicated father to three young children, had reportedly ended his relationship with Fakhri over a year ago. His mother, Janet Jacobs, shared with The New York Post that her son had been trying to move on, but Fakhri’s inability to accept the breakup led to escalating tensions.

Janet explained, “He’s been trying to tell her to leave him alone for the past year, but she wasn’t accepting the rejection.”

Fakhri, the sister of Bollywood actress Nargis Fakhri, allegedly set the fire after confronting her ex-boyfriend, threatening, “You’re all going to die today.”

The fire rapidly engulfed the detached garage where Jacobs and Ettienne were staying. According to the Queens District Attorney’s Office, Ettienne, 33, realized the building was on fire and dashed downstairs, only to rush back up in a desperate effort to rescue Jacobs, who had been asleep on the second floor.

However, the fire spread too fast, trapping both Jacobs and Ettienne inside. Despite her brave attempt to rescue him, both victims succumbed to smoke inhalation and thermal injuries.

Fakhri now faces numerous charges, including first-degree murder, second-degree murder, and arson, as she is accused of deliberately setting the fire that led to Jacobs’ and Ettienne’s deaths.

She was arrested shortly after the incident and has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Currently, she is being held at Rikers Island, awaiting a court date on December 9.

If convicted of the more serious charges, she faces a possible life sentence.


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