Wynter Kabimba has joined the UPND Alliance



By Tellah Hazinji

The opposition Economic Front-EF Party has joined the UPND Alliance, with a promise to help the current regime intensify its fight against corruption.

Addressing the media in Lusaka this morning, Party Leader Wynter Kabimba says this follows an extensive debate by the party’s Central Committee which voted in favour of the idea to join the alliance with only 1 out of 9 provinces opposing the idea.

Mr. Kabimba says his party has been compelled to offer solidarity to the UPND government because of its commitment to fight corruption which he says is a noble cause and should be supported by all well-meaning Zambians.

He also disclosed that the United Kwacha Alliance-UKA was also an option that his party was considering but that the opposition alliance failed to avail documentation of the objectives and principles that govern the alliance after being requested by EF.

Mr. Kabimba has since urged his party members in various jurisdictions across the country to give  solidarity to the UPND to lead the country forward.  



  1. I just hope he wont be expecting a position and be a disruption as the “old man” has been after not being given a job.
    Politics should be about service to the people and not self agrandisement or what one can get out of being out spoken, or leading a political movement. Its never about the Politican its about the people.
    Hope Kabimba knows and remembers that. Otherwise UPND will have made a grave mistake allowing people with views and motives that the party doesnt share.

  2. I just hope he wont be expecting a position and be a disruption as the “old man” has been after not being given a job.
    Politics should be about service to the people and not self agrandisement or what one can get out of being out spoken, or leading a political movement. Its never about the Politican its about the people.
    Hope Kabimba knows and remembers that. Otherwise UPND will have made a grave mistake allowing people with views and motives that the party doesnt share.

  3. A move in the right direction, you are even late, what have you been waiting for? Mr. Kabimba you wasted so much time, why? Zambia is yearning for development and HH needs support. Well done Sir and all the best. They say it’s better late than never, even your contributions will be felt and appreciated than where you were alone. UPND Alliance is a decent Alliance with full of think tanks and serious people, kulibe ya kumbuyo, I hope you will work well with them.

    • Hunger is a scourge! Mr Kabimba has been very practical about it. As you have said Citizen, this “Munkombwe” manoeuvre should have come much earlier!!!

  4. A move in the right direction, you are even late, what have you been waiting for? Mr. Kabimba you wasted so much time, why? Zambia is yearning for development and HH needs support. Well done Sir and all the best. They say it’s better late than never, even your contributions will be felt and appreciated than where you were alone. UPND Alliance is a decent Alliance with full of think tanks and serious people, kulibe ya kumbuyo, I hope you will work well with them.

    • Hunger is a scourge! Mr Kabimba has been very practical about it. As you have said Citizen, this “Munkombwe” manoeuvre should have come much earlier!!!

  5. Well done Mr Kabimba pls be a spokesperson on these corruption cases so that people can see how the government is making progress in that direction. We want a situation where when the time comes to question ECL of possible corruption, people would have been well fed from the corruption cases (adverts) that point up to ECL, eg Daliso case, Mrs ECL case, Malanji case, Tasila case and many more that are not in public domain.

  6. Well done Mr Kabimba pls be a spokesperson on these corruption cases so that people can see how the government is making progress in that direction. We want a situation where when the time comes to question ECL of possible corruption, people would have been well fed from the corruption cases (adverts) that point up to ECL, eg Daliso case, Mrs ECL case, Malanji case, Tasila case and many more that are not in public domain.

  7. Well done Mr. Kabimba. You can’t be wasting your rich experience with the opposition idiots.The country needs you. Thank you

  8. Well done Mr. Kabimba. You can’t be wasting your rich experience with the opposition idiots.The country needs you. Thank you

  9. That’s a sober and good move. UKW
    A has been hijacked by Lungu in order for him to use it fight his personal battles. On that account sober minded people like myself cannot take UKA to be serious about national issues

  10. That’s a sober and good move. UKW
    A has been hijacked by Lungu in order for him to use it fight his personal battles. On that account sober minded people like myself cannot take UKA to be serious about national issues

  11. Winter kabimba job well done and if I was a president I would have appointed kabimba as a chairman in ACC anyway I miss mwanawasa knew how to dismantle opposition party in zambia.muna KALIBA stop promoting tribalism for your own information the mother to kabimba she is a BIEMBA.please please stop this nosense we are not interested in your useless reasoning.

  12. Winter kabimba job well done and if I was a president I would have appointed kabimba as a chairman in ACC anyway I miss mwanawasa knew how to dismantle opposition party in zambia.muna KALIBA stop promoting tribalism for your own information the mother to kabimba she is a BIEMBA.please please stop this nosense we are not interested in your useless reasoning.

  13. The wise men will never miss the Target…join the winning team UPND 2026 This is the best time. Best timing. When everyone else is shouting negative about UPND Mr Kabimba has joined. He is showing his full heartfelt regards for UPND achievements. They still cling to Unga, Fuel, cost of living meanwhile UPND is cushioning vulnerable and empowering families, youths, employing, giving enhanced meal and accommodation allowances, building schools, hospitals, free Education, tertiary education sponsorship, life skills for less educated youths, grants to individuals and cooperatives list goes on. Things are happening. Loadshedding will soon go wait for 2025 when the current short term measures kick off. ZNS new farms start off loading maize grain next season. Only those who plundered and corrupted are complaining because the law is following them. Come 2026 it is UPND even 2031 still UPND-argue ni zako.

  14. The wise men will never miss the Target…join the winning team UPND 2026 This is the best time. Best timing. When everyone else is shouting negative about UPND Mr Kabimba has joined. He is showing his full heartfelt regards for UPND achievements. They still cling to Unga, Fuel, cost of living meanwhile UPND is cushioning vulnerable and empowering families, youths, employing, giving enhanced meal and accommodation allowances, building schools, hospitals, free Education, tertiary education sponsorship, life skills for less educated youths, grants to individuals and cooperatives list goes on. Things are happening. Loadshedding will soon go wait for 2025 when the current short term measures kick off. ZNS new farms start off loading maize grain next season. Only those who plundered and corrupted are complaining because the law is following them. Come 2026 it is UPND even 2031 still UPND-argue ni zako.

  15. Njala ya munyokola! That’s the problem with Kainde and Upnd, they have realized they have been out done by UKA so are now poaching lonely political parties to show that they are still alive when they are actually dead. Upnd is in reality a dead party. It has no real support on the ground. Just artificial supporters organized whenever Kainde is in an area! As for Kabimba he’s just finishing off his political career. It’s all over now especially that he doesn’t even have members! We know he soon be appointed Minister of Finance and that will be the end of Kainde and Upnd! Because a lot of Kainde’s lieutenants will be very frustrated and revolt!

  16. Njala ya munyokola! That’s the problem with Kainde and Upnd, they have realized they have been out done by UKA so are now poaching lonely political parties to show that they are still alive when they are actually dead. Upnd is in reality a dead party. It has no real support on the ground. Just artificial supporters organized whenever Kainde is in an area! As for Kabimba he’s just finishing off his political career. It’s all over now especially that he doesn’t even have members! We know he soon be appointed Minister of Finance and that will be the end of Kainde and Upnd! Because a lot of Kainde’s lieutenants will be very frustrated and revolt!

  17. What is the point of having a multiplicity of opposition parties which coalesce into alliances? If parties cannot stand on their own, they should just be dissolved. The essence of political parties is to compete for power and provide meaningful checks and balances to the ruling party.

    Those “political parties” in the UKWA alliance should dissolve themselves and join Mr. Lungu’s PF faction and register as a new party. Similarly, those in the UPND alliance should wind up and join UPND.

    We are tired of these briefcase one man parties pretending to be viable entities when they are just an extention of either UPND or Mr. Lungu’s PF faction. In this respect, I applaud Dr. M’membe who has maintained his independence inspite of the resignations and defections his party has suffered. The rest are opportunists who realise that they cannot make it into State House on their own.

    Shame on Mr. Kabimba. I hope he doesnot make unreasonable demands on UPND considering that he has an inflated sense of self importance.

  18. What is the point of having a multiplicity of opposition parties which coalesce into alliances? If parties cannot stand on their own, they should just be dissolved. The essence of political parties is to compete for power and provide meaningful checks and balances to the ruling party.

    Those “political parties” in the UKWA alliance should dissolve themselves and join Mr. Lungu’s PF faction and register as a new party. Similarly, those in the UPND alliance should wind up and join UPND.

    We are tired of these briefcase one man parties pretending to be viable entities when they are just an extention of either UPND or Mr. Lungu’s PF faction. In this respect, I applaud Dr. M’membe who has maintained his independence inspite of the resignations and defections his party has suffered. The rest are opportunists who realise that they cannot make it into State House on their own.

    Shame on Mr. Kabimba. I hope he doesnot make unreasonable demands on UPND considering that he has an inflated sense of self importance.


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