Wynter Kabimba will regret aligning with UPND – Sakwiba Sikota


Wynter will regret aligning with UPND – Saki

… but Kabimba urges Zambians to work with UPND against those who want to ‘come back and finish us with corruption’

By Jane Chanda

United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) interim chairman Sakwiba Sikota says Economic Front (EF) leader Wynter Kabimba will regret joining an alliance with the ruling UPND.

Kabimba’s announced yesterday that his party had resolved to engage the ruling UPND in alliance talk, citing a shared desire to fight corruption and build a just and civil political environment in Zambia.

He also said EF had not been invited to join UKA.

But when contacted on Kabimba’s sentiments at the briefing,

Sikota urged Kabimba to ask himself why people who had gone into alliances with UPND had left.

“For instance, president Kelvin…..https://dailyrevelationzambia.com/wynter-will-regret-aligning-with-upnd-saki-but-kabimba-urges-zambians-to-work-with-upnd-against-those-who-want-to-come-back-and-finish-us-with-corruption/


  1. Wynter Kabimba is his own man. It’s just not possible to shut him up in politics. Both Sakwiba Sikota and HH know this to be true. His joining the UPND alliance does not mean that he will stop criticising the New Dawn government if he thinks they have blundered on something. I say that with confidence in advance because I know that I’m dead right.

    • I agree with you Gunner. Kabimba is a sharpshooter. The man is courageous and will challenge even HH (assuming HH allows him close to the corridors of power).
      Kabimba is one of few leaders with integrity, he will leave the UPND if they don’t change their ways.
      Alas, to each their own.

  2. Wynter Kabimba is his own man. It’s just not possible to shut him up in politics. Both Sakwiba Sikota and HH know this to be true. His joining the UPND alliance does not mean that he will stop criticising the New Dawn government if he thinks they have blundered on something. I say that with confidence in advance because I know that I’m dead right.

    • I agree with you Gunner. Kabimba is a sharpshooter. The man is courageous and will challenge even HH (assuming HH allows him close to the corridors of power).
      Kabimba is one of few leaders with integrity, he will leave the UPND if they don’t change their ways.
      Alas, to each their own.

  3. Ba Saki, WK allying with upnd causes sleepless nights. You ask questions why parties who went into an alliance with upnd before left, really such a question from a person like you ba Saki. Look you were UPND and you do understand the philosophy of this great party and granted you would still want to be associated with it because you are one of the architects of the values and beliefs of this party which most if not all those parties who wanted to go into an alliance with it bolted in no time. Look, it’s very difficult to get along with someone who stands on values such as truthfulness, honest, steadfastness, resilience, etc, if you are the opposite of these values. How could for instance the many pipo from former ruling parties and other parties facing alleged corruption survive with upnd, no way. So WK, for what I know about him, really fits to be in an alliance with upnd. UPND definitely stands to benefit from the character of ba Winter.
    So please ba Saki and others not comfortable with the decision of Winter should (must) leave him alone. Just like you and others chose to form UKA, so has ba Winter the same right to do the same.

  4. Ba Saki, WK allying with upnd causes sleepless nights. You ask questions why parties who went into an alliance with upnd before left, really such a question from a person like you ba Saki. Look you were UPND and you do understand the philosophy of this great party and granted you would still want to be associated with it because you are one of the architects of the values and beliefs of this party which most if not all those parties who wanted to go into an alliance with it bolted in no time. Look, it’s very difficult to get along with someone who stands on values such as truthfulness, honest, steadfastness, resilience, etc, if you are the opposite of these values. How could for instance the many pipo from former ruling parties and other parties facing alleged corruption survive with upnd, no way. So WK, for what I know about him, really fits to be in an alliance with upnd. UPND definitely stands to benefit from the character of ba Winter.
    So please ba Saki and others not comfortable with the decision of Winter should (must) leave him alone. Just like you and others chose to form UKA, so has ba Winter the same right to do the same.

  5. Are you not the one regretting Sir? You left UPND impulsively without thinking about your future. Had it been you who took over from Mazoka, UPND could have been history by now, it could not have managed to form government, you even know that. Then had it not been UPND, you could not have been the MP for Livingstone, you have your fame and name because of UPND. Kabimba is hard working and dependable, that’s why late Sata liked him. Unfortunately he was haunted from PF by jealous people and tribalists because they knew that he could have effectively taken over as president of PF. We saw that to late Magande also after the demise of late President Mwanawasa. Honestly speaking, even as an SG, Kabimba was a better SG for PF than others before and after him. If they had left him and Guy Scott, most likely PF could still have been in government today. Kabimba knows that UKA is already dominated by Lungu’s PF and he can’t suit in there and I don’t think he will have anything to regret for that. So ba Saki just remain with your UKA which you have even failed to register and is going nowhere. It’s you who is yet to regret again for having wasted time in UKA.

  6. Are you not the one regretting Sir? You left UPND impulsively without thinking about your future. Had it been you who took over from Mazoka, UPND could have been history by now, it could not have managed to form government, you even know that. Then had it not been UPND, you could not have been the MP for Livingstone, you have your fame and name because of UPND. Kabimba is hard working and dependable, that’s why late Sata liked him. Unfortunately he was haunted from PF by jealous people and tribalists because they knew that he could have effectively taken over as president of PF. We saw that to late Magande also after the demise of late President Mwanawasa. Honestly speaking, even as an SG, Kabimba was a better SG for PF than others before and after him. If they had left him and Guy Scott, most likely PF could still have been in government today. Kabimba knows that UKA is already dominated by Lungu’s PF and he can’t suit in there and I don’t think he will have anything to regret for that. So ba Saki just remain with your UKA which you have even failed to register and is going nowhere. It’s you who is yet to regret again for having wasted time in UKA.


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