Colonel Panji Kaunda says with Bill 10 out of the way Zambians should now focus on the Electoral Commission of Zambia so that it does the right thing.

“We should be on alert because those evil minds are still there, they haven’t given up. Zambians must be alert to see to it that they don’t manipulate the system which is the ECZ now,” says Colonel Panji.

The manipulation of the electoral process starts with Edgar Lungu’s illegal third term bid which he wanted Bill 10 to legitimise. The biggest manipulation of the electoral process will be to allow Edgar’s name on the ballot paper. Once Edgar’s name is on the paper it will be impossible to stop the manipulation of the electoral process. The biggest and most-deadly manipulation of the electoral process is to allow Edgar – a person who doesn’t qualify to have a third term – to stand as a presidential candidate for the third time in contravention of the Constitution.

Zambians’ focus should now be on ensuring that Edgar doesn’t violate the Constitution and stand as a presidential candidate in 2021. We know he has the Constitutional Court in his pocket and can get whatever decision he wants from this court. But this should not be allowed. The Constitutional Court is not more powerful than the people.

If you allow Edgar’s name on the ballot, consider the electoral process manipulated and the elections rigged.

Edgar has shown to have no restraint. He doesn’t know how to back down; he has to be totally defeated. A person with restraint would have realised that the Zambian people did not support his Bill 10 and would have withdrawn it and avoid a humiliating defeat.


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