Fred M'membe


You’re being ruled by puppets of mining corporations

You are being made to pay very highly for transport, food, medicines and food as a result of highly increased fuel prices.

But while you are paying these very high prices, your government has gone on to give tax breaks to transnational mining corporations. They have given away money the nation desperately needs to mining corporations that were paying very little or no taxes. Your government has given away billions of dollars in mining tax breaks and after that they have gone to the IMF to try and borrow money with very onerous conditionalities – conditionalities which will place more austerity measures on you.

Why did they do this? Is this out of ignorance? No. They have sold out to transnational mining corporations. They are puppets of transnational mining corporations like Anglo and its foundation – the Brenthurst Foundation.

We have closely looked at their election manifesto and there’s nowhere where they promised tax breaks to mining corporations. And as far as we know there has been no open requests from mining corporations for tax breaks. So, where are these tax breaks coming from and what is their purpose?

Surely, you need to rise and oppose, challenge these tax breaks and force them to reserve them. Your members of parliament should also be forced to reverse their approval of the budget or else…

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


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