Zambians Deserve Better Than The Toxic Mealie Meal Being Supplied To Them- Sensio Banda


Zambians Deserve Better Than The Toxic Mealie Meal Being Supplied To Them.

The main job of a government is to improve people’s lives, especially when resources are limited. This can happen when a government puts the nation’s needs first in their decision-making. Unfortunately, there have been some doubts about the direction of UPND government’s policies lately.

Zambia is currently facing challenges with the high cost of living, making it difficult for poor households to make ends meet. Despite the overwhelming negative effects of electricity load shedding on the people of Zambia, the government is shamelessly raising domestic electricity tariffs. The prices of mealie meal are unaffordable for average households throughout the country. To add to these difficulties, the government has allowed a milling company in question to supply meal meal and animal feed that may be harmful to health.

This government’s actions in  allowing milling company to supply the nation with toxic staple food can be seen as a serious lack of responsibility. The said “Toxic Mealie Meal” affects us all, without exception, making us potential victims.

It’s hard to understand why a government would put its own people at risk like this. It seems to stem from a focus on greed, selfishness, irresponsibility, and prioritizing business interests over the well-being of its citizens.

The government has warned that there is mealie meal on the market containing toxins, but they have not revealed which brand or milling company is involved. It would be helpful for us if they were more transparent and shared this information with the public. Knowing the name of the milling company would allow us to avoid purchasing the affected mealie meal. Unfortunately, we are currently left to speculate. Zambians deserve better, especially during these tough economic times.

I can’t help but wonder why the UPND Government haven’t mentioned the milling company and brand yet, considering the potential political repercussions. Are you thinking the same thing? Just something to ponder. End of thought!

The Struggle Continues

Sensio Banda
Former Member of Parliament
Kasenengwa  Constituency
Eastern Province


  1. Two possible sources of the contaminated Maize are as follows:
    1. Briefcase Maize traders
    A lot of farmers who managed t successfully grow Maize during the last drought ravaged farming season lost their crop to thefts.
    Maize was prematurely harvested by these thieves before it could dry properly.
    This stolen Maize must have found it’s way into the hands of desperate briefcase Maize traders who then offloaded the contaminated moisture laden contraband on to unsuspecting Millers.
    Farmers were also forced to harvest early to avoid losing their precious harvest to grain thieves.
    This raises more questions about Storage standards at our FRA storage facilities! Do they do routine sampling checking for moisture content and checking for possible Aflatoxin contamination? Are these records in place and how often are they Audited? We have had reports of huge amounts of grain going to waste in these storage facilities!

    2. The second possible source is imported Maize. The hurried nature of doing things by politicians, putting unnecessary political pressure on inspectors who were supposed to check the Maize before it comes in.
    So it’s possible there was no proper inspection of the imported Maize.
    And because of political pressure, we probably don’t have enough proof that the imported Maize was contaminated because we probably don’t have inspection reports at points of entry!

    Of these two, local contamination is the most likely source!
    We are mismanaging ourselves poorly!
    Tuchinje bane!
    We have serious need for Patriotism!
    We are destroying our own country so recklessly because of not observing and maintaining HIGH STANDARDS in all aspects of our lives!
    Let’s invest in wisdom and practical knowledge!
    Should we bring in Expatriates to manage local experts?

  2. Two possible sources of the contaminated Maize are as follows:
    1. Briefcase Maize traders
    A lot of farmers who managed t successfully grow Maize during the last drought ravaged farming season lost their crop to thefts.
    Maize was prematurely harvested by these thieves before it could dry properly.
    This stolen Maize must have found it’s way into the hands of desperate briefcase Maize traders who then offloaded the contaminated moisture laden contraband on to unsuspecting Millers.
    Farmers were also forced to harvest early to avoid losing their precious harvest to grain thieves.
    This raises more questions about Storage standards at our FRA storage facilities! Do they do routine sampling checking for moisture content and checking for possible Aflatoxin contamination? Are these records in place and how often are they Audited? We have had reports of huge amounts of grain going to waste in these storage facilities!

    2. The second possible source is imported Maize. The hurried nature of doing things by politicians, putting unnecessary political pressure on inspectors who were supposed to check the Maize before it comes in.
    So it’s possible there was no proper inspection of the imported Maize.
    And because of political pressure, we probably don’t have enough proof that the imported Maize was contaminated because we probably don’t have inspection reports at points of entry!

    Of these two, local contamination is the most likely source!
    We are mismanaging ourselves poorly!
    Tuchinje bane!
    We have serious need for Patriotism!
    We are destroying our own country so recklessly because of not observing and maintaining HIGH STANDARDS in all aspects of our lives!
    Let’s invest in wisdom and practical knowledge!
    Should we bring in Expatriates to manage local experts?

  3. That’s where you make mistakes you want to gain political mileage by blaming government unnecessarily.There is no government that can want to kill it’s own people.You must work with government to establish the cause not to even mentioning names of people just because you hate them.The time has now come for them to start sending fake information.These alarmist will soon start disseminating falsehoods to unsuspecting citizens.It is not all the maize that has the problem so let us allow those responsible with this duty of food safety do their work.Just pack your innuendos before you alarm the nation.

  4. That’s where you make mistakes you want to gain political mileage by blaming government unnecessarily.There is no government that can want to kill it’s own people.You must work with government to establish the cause not to even mentioning names of people just because you hate them.The time has now come for them to start sending fake information.These alarmist will soon start disseminating falsehoods to unsuspecting citizens.It is not all the maize that has the problem so let us allow those responsible with this duty of food safety do their work.Just pack your innuendos before you alarm the nation.

  5. This is what happens when a pompous government fails. There’s nowhere in the world has one man run government single handedly! Hichilema thinks he can be minister of Agriculture, mines, energy, Commerce, Health , Finance etc, BoZ governor, IDC MD, ACC , DEC Director etc . When Hichilema interferes in operations of the officers there get frustrated, and these are the results that can come from frustrated officials, is to frustrate efforts! Today it’s poisoned maize meal, tomorrow it will be something else! Upnd has failed to govern in all angles! As usual the finished praise singers will blame Edgar Lungu for poisoned maize! It’s over for Upnd! Bye bye polio!

  6. This is what happens when a pompous government fails. There’s nowhere in the world has one man run government single handedly! Hichilema thinks he can be minister of Agriculture, mines, energy, Commerce, Health , Finance etc, BoZ governor, IDC MD, ACC , DEC Director etc . When Hichilema interferes in operations of the officers there get frustrated, and these are the results that can come from frustrated officials, is to frustrate efforts! Today it’s poisoned maize meal, tomorrow it will be something else! Upnd has failed to govern in all angles! As usual the finished praise singers will blame Edgar Lungu for poisoned maize! It’s over for Upnd! Bye bye polio!

  7. Chikubabe and muleta just being hired sitting behind the keyboard at state house has really destroyed your God given intellectual to speak for truth for the people who are constantly trying to make it a day. The power of kindness and compassion is what make us stronger and better. Look at people in compounds , George,Chawama, matero just to mention a few, each day is a struggle and if they manage to eat that day , they pray for the living God for giving the food . Now you have people like you with no grain of shame blaming briefcase maize sellers or imaginary people. It’s people like you making the government more unpopular by trying hard to convince the public that it’s not the government . Who is in charge of protecting and defending the welfare, health, education, environment, security of the people of Zambia? If the people’ government is for the rich and famous then UPND will answer come May 2026. The government could have given a very comprehensive report, measures taken, list of millers, brands and so far how many they have confiscated to reassure the nation. That is what a great government that is responsible and accountable to its people should do. Was it not HH who promised the government will be open and transparent to its people? And this is why the name Bally came about he will fix it but be he fix you.

  8. Chikubabe and muleta just being hired sitting behind the keyboard at state house has really destroyed your God given intellectual to speak for truth for the people who are constantly trying to make it a day. The power of kindness and compassion is what make us stronger and better. Look at people in compounds , George,Chawama, matero just to mention a few, each day is a struggle and if they manage to eat that day , they pray for the living God for giving the food . Now you have people like you with no grain of shame blaming briefcase maize sellers or imaginary people. It’s people like you making the government more unpopular by trying hard to convince the public that it’s not the government . Who is in charge of protecting and defending the welfare, health, education, environment, security of the people of Zambia? If the people’ government is for the rich and famous then UPND will answer come May 2026. The government could have given a very comprehensive report, measures taken, list of millers, brands and so far how many they have confiscated to reassure the nation. That is what a great government that is responsible and accountable to its people should do. Was it not HH who promised the government will be open and transparent to its people? And this is why the name Bally came about he will fix it but be he fix you.


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