The on going nullification of parliamentary and local government seats is a strong indication that Zambia’s electoral system and process is flawed and needs urgent attention.
Unfortunately not even our legal system can remedy our electoral system and process. it is fundamentally erroneous and does not represent the uniqueness of our nation nor a now Zambian.
Zambia’s electoral system and process is characterised by;
a) Un-informed voters. Most of our voters are ignorant of the roles of an MP or indeed a councillor. Most voters regard an MP as a ‘father’ or ‘mother’ to meet their needs.
b) Money dishing. An average voter at constituency and ward levels expect to be paid or appeased in order to vote for candidate.
c) Continuous politicking. Zambian’s politick from one general election to the other. Everything is politicised in Zambia, real development remains illusive.
d) Political pettiness. Our politics are riddled with violence, intolerance and insults powered by a scandal loving voter or populace. Politicians and their followers think that for them to ascend, they must destroy their fellows.
e) Politics is a source of income and not a vehicle to improve and advance our society. Zambian politics is highly monetised from nominations, campaigns to keeping a seat.
A flawed system and process cannot produce good results for the common advancement of any society. The result is a vicious cycle that puts it’s occupants in slow motion reverse gear.
Golden Party of Zambia (GPZ), calls on the Government to release a roadmap on Constitutional, Institutional and Governance reforms so that Zambian’s can be afforded an opportunity to fix this broken electoral system and process for all.
Silavwe Jackson