“Defeat Lungu Through the Ballot, Not the Courts”-  Sangwa

“Defeat Lungu Through the Ballot, Not the Courts” Sangwa

Constitutional lawyer John Sangwa SC has urged those opposed to former President Edgar Lungu to seek victory through the ballot box rather than attempting to disqualify him through legal means. Speaking during a public forum, Sangwa emphasized that in a democracy, the best way to challenge a political leader is through elections, not the courts.

“If you want to defeat Edgar Chagwa Lungu, do it through the ballot!” Sangwa declared. He reiterated that while he had previously questioned Lungu’s eligibility for the 2021 election, the Constitutional Court had ruled in Lungu’s favor, allowing him to run, and that decision must be respected.

Sangwa’s comments come as political tensions rise, with some parties focusing on legal avenues to block Lungu’s potential political comeback. However, Sangwa believes the focus should be on engaging with voters and winning through democratic processes.

Kumwesu October 8, 2024.

Boyd choongo

John sangwa is double tongued lawyer who changes goal post, let him adhere to what is right..is he suggesting that in zambia there shall be no presidential petitions forth with.As a lawyer and a lecturer let him not develop a double tongued approach because his students will be lost.


Lungu has already been defeated before the ballot, however we cannot continue to ignore the law and the constitution just to accommodate Lungu. The constitution was made for all the Zambians and should be followed to the letter. When Lungu became president he found an existing constitution which was the law of the land. How did sign apend a new constitution in less than a year of becoming a president? Who did he consult. He knew the old constitution had a requirement of only 2 terms. Did he sign it in order to manipulate the presidential terms? Was Lungu properly sworn as per constitution requirement in 2016? If not? Why? You lawyers are the least trust worthy and dishonest people. We need to follow the law. You can’t keep on shifting the law and be able maintain the rule of law and justice at the same time. That level of law and order and justice to put it simply is corrupt and we don’t need that. When other people employed to perform their duties within prescribed laws any deviation from the required standard has consequences. Lungu knew what he was doing and he has to face the law. For once Sangwa be serious! Who goes to wake up a Judge at 02:00hrs to sign documents or implement an injunction? We have had enough of Lungu’s illegalities. If you want to make money go and work for it. Stop confusing people. You have nothing to offer legally. I hope your law students don’t follow what you write in papers. Perhaps the University should consider retiring you. Can someone please report this guy to JCC. Reporting him to LAZ would be a waste of time because that’s the Head Office of all crooked lawyers.


Eligibility and the ballot is a constitutional matter. The court has the right to determine both eligibility and election of the President. Remember the 14 days of the presidential petition


Mr. Sangwa is not a scholar and the title of state counsel needs to revoked. His recent utterances bounce from one point to another. So only can petition? Others have no right to think differently from him?
As a friend of the court what was he trying to say or attain? The courts should censure him as he is teaching young lawyers the wrong way to go about things. Wasting the courts time. Claiming they are not qualified yet he acts like a “bumpkin” (excuse my french). Surely, the legal fraternity deserves better.

Jata Bulenge

Mwamba stroking Sangwa’s ego. Consistently? The man is as inconsistent as they come.
You cant debate an issue before the JCC that you dont factual insight in the issue.
A friend of the court. Were you invited or imposed your self? After even being granted you withdrew…so what purpose did you serve? Arrogance!!! At its best

Collins Teembo

I did not know that John Sangwa can a cheap thinking Lawyer. He submits a written document which does not mention addressing the court. There he is in his cheapest Lawyer manners just stands up and starts to address or undressing the court. now he is telling us to start akalabe with our constitution. Is he a Lawyer who is law abiding citizen? Or he is taking our constitution for a joke?

Collins Teembo

This seems to be half baked Lawyers verses Fully baked Economists

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