Home Politics PF 2026 Estimated Predictions: Votes for HH & the others

2026 Estimated Predictions: Votes for HH & the others


2026 Estimated Predictions: Votes for HH & the others:

1. Lusaka- HH @ 80% of set 1,242,000 votes by 2026=993,600 votes, others to share 20% votes.

2. Copperbelt-HH @ 80% of set 1,024 000 voters by 2026=819,200 votes, others to share 20% votes.

3. Eastern-HH @ 70% of set 900,000 voters by 2026 =630,000 votes, others to share 30% votes.

4. Southern-HH @ 95% of set 780,000 voters by year 2026 = 741,000 votes, others to share 5% votes.

5. Central-HH @ 90% of set 667,000 voters by 2026=600,300 votes, others to share 10% votes.

6. Northern-HH @ 50% of set 601,000 voters by 2026=300,500 votes, others to share 50% votes.

7. Luapula-HH @ 60% of set 563,000 voters by 2026=337,800 votes, others to share 40% votes.

8. Western-HH @ 90% of set 448,000 voters by 2026=403,200 votes, others to share 10% votes.

9. Muchinga-HH @ 40% of set 402,000 voters by 2026=160,800 votes, others to share 60% votes.

10. North/West-HH @ 98% of set 385,000 voters by 2026=377 300 votes, others to share 0.2% votes.

ESTIMATED TOTAL VOTERS BY 2026= 7,012,000 million

ESTIMATED HH VOTES TO BE CAST= 5,332,900 million.

ESTIMATED HH VOTE % = 76.155%.


  1. Yaba. God forbid this baseless prediction from this person from Southern province comes true.

    From Southern province, he will get 99.99 percent. We all know they vote along tribal lines there. Sad.

    In Western and North Western, he could get 50 percent because they are also fed up with him. Our Lozi cousins do not trust him anymore.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. In the dream of the author of this useless prediction forget Eastern province we are not fools you are busy trying to harass our leaders in the name of searching jj Banda

  3. “Kainde” who is Kainde?You not a Zambian mwankole. Accept that pf is dead and thieves (bakabwalala)will never come back.Infact you are the dreamer,wake up d!ck head!

  4. We know that it’s very painful for some people to see or hear this. But truth be told, like what Chanda Kasolo has already rightly said, among the opposition, there is no party or alliance that can manage to unseat UPND even if you hire and bring all the sangomas you know in Zambia. These are just estimates but the reality will be better and more than this.

  5. Yes I agree with these predictions because by 2026 – 2 years from now many more wonders would have happened. It will a walk over. Fred is busy losing key members while ECL continuously being disabled by crimes he committed with Malanji and others .

    • The stage is already set. HaECZ will pre-mark the ballots,the Gestapo is arresting opponents ( UN report),Hajudges are populating Mukobeko with the opponents! How can you lose the 2026/31 “election”. Your fellow dictators will disown you!!!

      • Observer seriously speaking your comment together with Indigo Tryol are nothing but full of PF sh*t sir. Certainly HH will aga6win convincingly in 2026 ba PF criminals imwe. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals forever. PF must die for good.

      • Observer seriously speaking your comment together with Indigo Tryol are nothing but full of PF sh*t sir. Certainly HH will again convincingly wallop the idiots in 2026 ba PF criminals imwe. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals forever. PF must die for good.

        • Hah ! hah! hah! What a man/woman!
          You are incapable of running anything, especially fair and civilised elections like those of 2021 organised by the PF government in which Zambezi provincials voted 99.99% for UPND !!!

  6. The Zambian voter is very Complicated, and shrewd..You may think giving Grants to youths and trainings here and there , meal allowances to university students will get you votes, you will be shocked.

    Even Drug Lords like Pablo Escobar were able to do this . Escobar was able to provide free education in Mendelin.

    Rupiah Banda is renowned for carrying out the most expensive campaign in the history of Zambia. But he lost to broke Michael Sata and Guy Scott.

    There’s more to Leadership than being a Father Christmas of sorts . Leadership is about virtue..the relationship between the Leader and the led. You earn the trust of the people through demonstration of qualities of a leader. Hakainde hasn’t gotten the trust of the people.. He is opaque, in all his dealings …before politics, as an opposition leader and as President. He just came from nowhere to become President of UPND. Chiluba was a trade unionist. Mwanawasa was a renowned lawyer. Rupiah Banda was Governor with a distinguished service in Sports. Michael Sata was Governor and held various portfolios. ECL was Chawama MP.
    But Hakainde ‘ s entire life is murky…and so is his governance.
    Look at the Fertilizer procurements, Medicines and drugs, Mopani, KCM PLC, Lusaka Ndola road projects, all murky projects .

    One thing to know is that Hakainde is not liked by most people…It’s difficult for him to accept this reality bitter as it is , but that’s the truth.That’s why it took him 6 times to get to state house.He is President yes, but he is the most unliked president in the history of Zambia…Thats why some refer to him as a transitional President. A zero option candidate he was in 2021.
    If Hakainde was to free the Political space, he can easily be defeated. That’s why he has an autocratic grip on governance and democratic Institutions.
    It’s about his personality, his history, and his divisive politics.His approach to governance as President has put most people off.
    Further his Regional Zealots and insulting Praise Thugs are not helping him in any way… if anything people want these people out of the political space so that we get back to decent politics.

    Come 12th August, 2026, Hakainde , his Zealots and Praise Thugs will cry bitterly. Go anywhere, on buses , pubs, markets, not many people talk about him positively…and wearing his Chitenge is rare! But off course ZNBC , Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, Koswe and Watchdog are there, the opium perpetuating some people’s dreams
    But you will wake up in 2026. Twalumba!

  7. Keep dreaming. And very dull people are the biggest dreamers! Kainde will not win in 2026, whether you want to dream from now until August 2026! Even in Tongaland Kainde is not wanted any more, because Tongas are very hungry and suffering. As for Western province it’s even worse, he’s not wanted there! So the Koswe newspaper is trying hard to campaign for
    Kainde but it won’t work. When he has been appointing only Tongas and Lozis, to public positions, he didn’t know he needs the whole country to win elections. Sorry even rigging won’t work in 2026, it will just bring a lot of problems in the country! So forget, Kainde can’t win in any province now except Southern province where it will be easy for Tongas to rig! In the other provinces it will not be very difficult but impossible as well.


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