THE ruling UPND says currently there is no serious opposition in the country ahead of the 2026 2026 general election and it will be a smooth walkover.

The ruling party’s consultant Mark Simuuwe stated that the country needs a completely new opposition party which can come with new crop of politicians.

Kalemba News reports that Simuuwe said this in response to All People’s Congress Party leader Nason Msoni’s utterances in the media suggesting that the UPND has no chance in 2026.

He said Msoni’s utterances bordered on mediocrity noting that the opposition leader has no practical solutions for the people he claims to be fighting for.

Simuuwe challenged the opposition to come up with solutions to the problems that the country is facing instead of politicising everything.

“The over 42 thousand teachers who have been recruited are listening to people like Nason Msoni and they don’t agree with Msoni  because they have been given jobs which he failed to give them.”

“The people who have received grants don’t agree with Msoni on change, he has no structures, let him not cheat himself,” he explained.

He also mentioned that former president Edgar Lungu was no match for the ruling political party.

“There’s no opposition to Government at all and if you look at president Lungu. How many MPs are talking about Edgar Lungu coming back? They are less than three,” said Simuuwe.

Kalemba, August 29, 2024


  1. How i wish the race was towards putting an end to loadshedding. Two days no power in lusaka and out the window goes my monthly food in the fridge….but all these people from both sides of the aisle only talk about loadshedding

    • Ba Musonda, there is no opposition presidential candidate who has ever won in Zambia by relying solely on their tribesmen or tribal Cousins, It’s flaud stratagem. If the strategy of Ukwa is to ride on tribe a rude shock awaits them.
      Sata failed to beat Mwanawasa despite the full backing of Northern and Luapula. Remember Northern and Luapula failed to give Mwanawasa any significant votes and even failed Lupando Mwape who was veep coming from Luapula.
      Mwanawasa ended up giving the veep to Rupiah Banda and Sata still failed to beat RB after Dr. Mwanawasa passed away, despite Sata receiving more than 80% of the votes from the Northern block. While all these was taking place HH could not win despite receiving significant votes from Southern province.
      The point is after RB mishandled the Barosteland issue he pushed the people to vote for Sata. Consequently Sata won, ECL thought he didn’t need the other provinces i.e Western,Northwestern and Southern province included he lost miserably. Had ECL avoided tribalism, according Inonge Wina the requisite respect as his vice president, HH would not have had such landslide. UPND understood that with Zero votes from Luapula, Northern they would not form government consequently they campaigned everywhere and that is how they formed Government.
      Mark is right when he says they is need for a new breed of opposition to be born to wrestle power from UPND, because no opposition political party can win the presidency without getting votes from the ruling party strongholds. Now ECL with his baggage is a non Starter. Then the other opposition leaders that treat citizens from non North East block like second class citizens thinking they will get votes from there is a pipe dream. A new breed of opposition is needed that can be sold nationally and not current crop we have am Afraid ba Musonda.

    • I wouldnt accuse anyone falsely, and without evidence but truth is that any politician u will vote for, even yourself Pafwenamwine if voted into power you are either bound to steal, or use privileges of Authority to benefit yourself in one way or another. The latter Which is different from altright theft.
      But the point Simuwe makes is valid whether we like it or not. With this current confusion in the opposition expect a smooth ride for UPND. It’s up to the opposition to wake up, neutral people have adviced but advice seems to fall on the biblical Rocky stones

  2. That’s what tribalism does! It blinds people. The biggest opposition is the people of Zambia! We brought down the mighty and super dribbler Kenneth Kaunda (an equal to God), we rejected the master dribbler and orator one Frederick Titus Chiluba’s bid for third term! That’s how powerful the people of Zambia as the biggest opposition in the country are! So what will stop the Zambian people from removing Hichilema and Upnd? This Simunwe is in for a rude shock as Zambians are already ready to boot Hichilema and Upnd out! Problem is when you are enjoying to the fullest you even forget to go on the ground and find out what people are saying! The truth is that Zambians are saying Upnd and Hichilema have failed! They have no solutions to massive problems that Zambians are facing! So a walk over in next elections as you boastfully call it, is a far fetched dream by Simunwe and his friends. Just wait sir! Come 2026 a lot of people will die from hypertension. And when people are quite it doesn’t mean they are foolish! The clever ones now will be foolish on that day!

  3. This is an indirect challenge to the tattered opposition to put its house in order. We need a strong opposition to offer effective checks and balances hinged on truth. Unfortunately UKA is made up mostly of parties headed by spent forces and “leaders” without followers. Zambia needs many more new kids on the political scene.


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