By Chanoda Ngwira

Firstly, I must be honest from the onset that I do not agree with some of the steps that some of the MPs under the sponsorship of the Patriotic Front, have taken regards working with the UPND. Much as this is their democratic right and also a way to push DEVELOPMENT in their Constituencies, I feel maybe, just maybe, despite the many differences in the party, they could have not done so or even do it but in a better way.

However, let me be quick to also mention the fact that some of the methods used to get at these MPs is also not good and I am not in support of such. Especially the article circulating on social media alleging huge sums of money and some other promises as having been the payments for these MPs to work with the UPND. That’s not the way to handle internal wrangles if any.

My perturbation is where the party has taken no step to address these issues through dialogue, instead chosen to lament and issue different statements through the media before engaging these MPs to find out why the sudden behavior… What if some have grievances and all?

Trust me, some may have very veritable concerns or dissatisfaction that could have led them get pushed to do what they could have done. And ofcourse some are simply traitors, money mongers and basically ingrates to say the least and these have no reason other than being political hyenas hence joining hands with the UPND..

My appeal to the party leadership especially those who like rushing to the media to castigate some of these MPs, is that engage these colleagues on a very even-handed round table discourse. Let them speak for themselves before we could rush to doing something that may even make things worse.

We must understand that we are basically in opposition, and we need numbers to ourselves as well as support even from the least of an individual for us to have it easy to remove this Government. This means we need everyone consigned if we are to achieve this huge task ahead of us.

There are some of these MPs that just need a word or two with them, they are still very much PF and they love the party. Why have we failed to engage them? Where is the quandary? I am so hopeful that something can be done unlike the root that has been taken.

(Chanoda Ngwira is a public Administrator, Teacher, Former Trade Unionist, Politician, Public Speaker, Writer and Political Commentator. For private engagements, email: [email protected]/[email protected])


This man wants to hold the electorate at ransome. Then discipline your MPs at your own peril.
Its the people that elected the PF MPs and if they follow what yoi suggest they (people) will elect someone else at the detriment of your party.
Ba Ngwira you are choosing the quickest way to finish off what little is left of PF. This like most of your positions is not well thought out. Stop being a zealot. Blind alligence is dangerous. Be objective


The writer seems to place himself on a higher plane than the PF MPs. A reconciliator is mindful of his language and disposition .
Pro-ECL members lack nobility in their discourse. Their public engagement is detrimental to the re-branding of their party

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