Home Politics PF A Call to Our Big Boss in Heaven- Hon. Ronald Chitotela

A Call to Our Big Boss in Heaven- Hon. Ronald Chitotela


A Call to Our Big Boss in Heaven

By Hon. Ronald Chitotela, MP

In times of struggle and uncertainty, we often find ourselves searching for answers and guidance. As we navigate the complexities of life, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and seek help from a higher power. That’s why we’re reaching out to our Big Boss in Heaven, pleading for divine intervention and direction.

Life can be tough, and we often face challenges that seem insurmountable. We struggle with personal issues, relationships, health problems, and financial difficulties. We try to find solutions on our own, but sometimes we need more than human strength and wisdom. We need help from someone who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and always present.

But it’s not just personal struggles that we face. We also see injustice and suffering in the world around us. We see earthly injustice in the form of oppression, inequality, and discrimination. The injustices we face are purely anchored on hatred – hatred based on race, religion, gender, and other differences. We see the innocent suffering at the hands of the guilty, and the powerful exploiting the weak.

Our God in Heaven is the one who created us, loves us, and wants the best for us. He is the one who can bring peace to our troubled minds, healing to our broken bodies, and hope to our desperate hearts. He is the one who can guide us through the darkness and lead us into the light.

We need help to overcome our fears, to forgive those who have hurt us, and to love those who are difficult to love. We need help to be patient, kind, and compassionate in a world that often seems cruel and unforgiving. We need help to find purpose and meaning in life, to discover our passions and talents, and to use them for the greater good.

We also need help to stand up against earthly injustice, to fight for what is right, and to defend those who cannot defend themselves. We need help to be a voice for the voiceless, to be a light in the darkness, and to be a beacon of hope in a world that often seems hopeless.

So we cry out to our Jesus Christ in Heaven, “Help us! We need your guidance, your strength, and your love. We need your presence in our lives, your wisdom in our decisions, and your peace in our hearts. Help us to make a difference in the world, to bring justice to those who have been wronged, and to spread love and kindness wherever we go.




  1. God loves all of us. Even we the ordinary people are crying to him for justice against those that plundered our nation because they do not seem to understand that they took from the poor. May God forgive them but may earthly justice be served. AMEN.

  2. Mr. Chitotela I wish this was the same song you sang at the hieght of PF power. An appeal to a higher power than Edgar Lungu who you treated like a demi-god. To this day, the man carries himself like one forgetting that his lack of intelligence is what landed him and the country in this mess.
    Gentlemen, you call on God now. When in power you placed God aside and thought….manje tafika….we have arrived and its our time. Its never our time. As stewards we need to realise that even time should be treated as a commodity that God has entrusted us. In our positions as Politicans we like Priests are to serve those that God has place in our care (exept ma Priest its not time for to lecture us on economics, inflation and wealth distribution like that is your calling…awe.) stick to the message if salvation and use the tools to your disposal to speak to people about the vanity of materalism and riches of the earth. Instead today we see you in the forefront pa nkani ya ching!. Ba Politican speak and seek ways to serve people.
    Ba Chitotela…you are one of many that got excited with political power forgetting that the power you had, you held in trust on behalf of the people in your constitutency. Manje tafika attitude has landed in problems.
    Manje tafika leads to articles that seeks to absorb you of accountability and responisibilty of the actions of you or your co accused; whose relatives are co accused in the matter that you now lament about. Crime has a pathology. A trail. And while Diggers in their article seem “hell bend to move that trail away from you”; how then that even relatives were there on that day when the then “opposition” were being attacked? Cars were being burnt? In another setting “stones were being thrown at helicopters to deter follow politicians from sharing their message to the people?
    Stop acting like “manje tafika” and therefore you own us. Know that Zambians are free thinkers. If anything train us in critical thought as the God you speak of endowed us to think.
    Life has a time and space for everyone. As you call on God, seek forgiveness for the pompus and self absorbed view and let this experience that causes you to call on God draw you nearer to him. Job lost everything but in time he inhereited the kingdom of God. Stop the “ta fika attitude” the only place we need to seek to arrive is heaven. All is but vanity….

  3. Self retrospect and self consciousness are cardinal at a certain stage in life. One has to agree that certain things with him were wrong and that’s why appropriate apologies become unavoidable. Thanks for the good thought.

  4. Mr Chitotela, you have been found wanting here on earth, do not mock God by bringing him into your misdeeds, you will only worsen your situation. Admit your sins and accept the consequences. You sang the umulandu waleta song

  5. God is the true judge. God is a forgiving father. He listens to anyone for mercy, forgiveness, protection, confession, with God it is never too late. We all stand to be judged publicly or privately before human beings regardless of your inner part. With God he looks beyond physical but our inner making our spiritual stance.
    To those who call upon his name and believe he will answer. It doesn’t matter where you are physically. Everyone to stand judgement before the Lord.


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