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A divided nation can easily degenerate into civil strife – Archbishop Alick Banda


A divided nation risks civil strife

HIS Grace, the Archbishop of Lusaka, Dr Alick Banda has warned that a divided nation can easily degenerate into civil strife because, often its leaders become cruel, offensive and vindictive against their own people.

Archbishop Dr Banda is also cautioning that a divided nation could also easily become violent, prejudiced, individualistic and tribalistic with its leadership becoming fearful, suspicious of its citizens thereby embarking on spying on them.

“Evil prevails when good people to nothing about it. Just like a marriage when issues arise and we do nothing, that marriage results into divorce. Just like a nation which is divided becomes cruel, offensive and vindictive on its people and degenerates into civil strife. A community which is divided becomes individualistic, tribalistic, prejudiced and violent with a leadership that is fearful, suspicious and spying on its people https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. So as good people what are you doing about it. Instead we hear statements from your fellow clergy men undermining the government.

  2. The major culprit of fueling this divisional is PF & UPND. They both cry victims in govt and outside govt. They both pay bad for bad instead of good to overrun good. They both don’t want accept and apologise. Everyc political statement made is linked to either regionalism or tribal remarks.
    Today no matter how good or bad your opinion is it is either supported or denounced on basis of the regional identity. Very few Zambians are taking issues from patriotic position. The minds are polluted. The seed of hatred and bitterness has been sowed. Revenge is only thin people are waiting for. Should one side slide the other is ready pounce beat. Emotions are high no truth on the lips of the people. But the truth is no matter how people can divide & group themselves in a short time as long as it is a grouping of inconvinience within those group another divisional will emerge in long run.
    UPND and PF need to stop this beast of division it will eat everyone including the caretaker of it.

  3. Who’s dividing the nation apart from yourself and your tribalism
    If you’re not a tribalist why do you support a President who caused so much misery to the nation?
    Are you telling me that ECL is better than HH7? Are you telling me that nothing that HH7 has done is impressive so far?
    Insoni ebuntu elyo ukuteka amatako panshi cikankala sana

    • You people in the village cry tribalism at any single thing. Chill out young man, there is no tribalism on the ground. The only tribalism is that being forced onto citizens by the conman via his tribal appointments and paying Kabwili to insult Tonga people. You are just being used, wake up. Yena alenonka all the way to Panama while on the ground he is making citizens fight each other. While we fight each other, he is busy getting rich, unchecked.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

      • You are the most useless Defunct TuPF crimminal government defender and you will go nowhere
        Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  4. How can people who have never married know what it means to be married?
    Similarly, how can people who don’t know peace advise on peace?
    Those who wish to preach peace must always stick to the non-partisan, neutral lane!

  5. Unfortunately, the good Archbishop is an active participant in sowing seeds of division. I know his leaning and he was strangely quiet during PF rule and has never condemned their misrule. He is pally pally with Mr. Lungu for obvious reasons. He has since found his voice after the 2021 elections.

    You can tell one’s character by the company he keeps.

  6. Unfortunately some of the clergies are players of politics.They do fan anarchy.They support some one who claims he is a snake.Why can’t they give proper advice?They don’t mean well too.We have discovered their agenda.


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