Home Politics PF A torn dress needs replacing—Harry Kalaba

A torn dress needs replacing—Harry Kalaba


A torn dress needs replacing—Harry Kalaba

Harry Kalaba, the Citizens First leader says if a dress is torn and cannot be stitched anymore, it must be dumped and replaced with a better one.

Kalaba was addressing a huge crowd of people at a public rally in Samfya, Luapula province on Saturday also attended by UKA representatives that travelled from Lusaka when he used the analogue.

The rally, a rare occurrence in Zambia under President Hichilema was headlined by sixth president Edgar Lungu who wowed the crowd after introductions from convener Harry Kalaba.

In a song and dance, Kalaba said, “akatenge ngakalepuka kuka chinja meaning when a wrapper is torn it must be replaced,” an analogue he used to say since the President Hichilema government has failed to deliver, Zambians must change it and replace it with a working one under CF and UKA.

Kalaba, a former long serving Minister of Foreign Affairs lamented the growing poverty in Zambia under president Hichilema which he described as endemic and stemming from gross governance failure.

The CF president also justified the presence and speaking slot of Mr Lungu at a CF and UKA rally he organised saying it was only honourable to allow a guest in one’s house or turf to say a few words during the visit.

His guest, President Lungu said he wanted to make it clear that ´evil forces´ seeking to break his political union with Kalaba were just wasting their time.

“I will continue collaborating with president Kalaba and those t hat want to see us split are wasting their time,” said Lungu adding that in the same breath, “I will not stop collaborating with comrade Nawakwi, Sakwiba Saboi, Silavwe and Pule to mention but a few under UKA.”
Lungu said at the end of the day, “UKA will field only one candidate in 2026 to bring democracy and development back to Zambia.”

Mr. Kalaba´s rally, surprisingly was not cancelled by the police who appeared blind sided when sixth President Lungu sauntered on the stage to speak on introduction from host Kalaba.

Samfya, a normally serene fishing town turned up in huge numbers and rolled out a red carpet for the sixth President attracting more cheers of solidarity.
Zambia goes to the polls in 2026 to elect a new President when Mr Hichilema´s presidential term ends after a tumultuous period that has seen the highest prices of food products since independence in 1964.
Kalaba described the rally as major success looking at the huge crowds, he drew with just few days alert ahead of the event in a country where the ruling party discourages free association and expression.


  1. You are very right ba Harry,
    ECL and yourself are torn dresses which cannot be stitched again. It’s unfortunate you guys forget what you do easily. Remember you resigned from the of government and cited ecl as being corrupt to the core. To date you have not said a word to justify why we should support whom you accused of being corrupt and leading a corrupt government. No vote for you and not even ecl

  2. It is shameful to note that those who wore torn clothes and are still wearing wearing torn clothes are mocking those with fine clothes. Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his political desperate associates in UKA are big time jokers. They have no integrity and character to match the character and performance of President Hakainde Hichilema and his government.

  3. These chaps are chopping cadres infecting each other with HIV. It’s just alcohol and pipe out there. Then you think a country cab develop

  4. The meeting seemed to have gone well considering that it was an opposition rally, however it was notable that almost all alliance presidents except Kalaba and ECL were present, could this mean they were not invited, or did they just shun the meeting? Speculation, could it be that they are not happy with the way ECL comes out during his drunken speeches? speculation or is there a rift between members?
    One thing that seems to come out clearly is that ECL has joined politics not to offer alternative leadership but to save himself and his clan from the jaws of the law, and he has clearly said that in black and white, could this be the problem that other alliance members have now seen.

  5. Kalaba cannot see through Lungu’ s schemes. He should have known better. They will sink together in 2026 and unfortunately because of his poor judgement, that will be it for him politically.

  6. The reporter should’ve mentioned that its an unprecedented move that a ruling party unlike previous regimes would allow a rally of described magnitude take place! Who is not aware that under Lungu’s watch no political party in opposition and leaders enjoyed what he’s freely enjoying! I salute everyone encouraging the Zambian people to see and take both Lungu and Kalaba as the old torn clothes actually more as rags!


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