About The Call To Reinstate The Expelled Sexually Captivated Nurses Of Chilonga Mission Nursing School



    Dear Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba,

    First and foremost,

    …… “If there’s a sector that has been highly populated by unprofessional people in Zambia, it’s the public sector, or government institutions if you like”……

    Sir! I read your article on your Facebook page where you’re calling for Chilonga Nursing School and the General Nursing Council of Zambia to rescind their decision to expel the Nurses in question and to bar them from further practicing the Nursing Profession in Zambia or indeed anywhere in the world.

    Sir, as much as you sound clever, wise, defensive and articulate in your appealing and defensive article, I feel that you lack proper understanding and insight of Nursing as a profession and the law that governs it. If you understand the profession and its rules and regulations very well, then you’re being rather unjust, dishonorable and detrimental to the Nursing Profession and Zambia’s health professional system and that alone hauls your honour and integrity as a politician, former ambassador and probably as someone who’s aspiring for a higher public office.

    Eye-sighting an individual who served in the PF government where law was pocketed and merely written words on paper step to the fore in the manner that you’ve done surely speaks volumes and leaves much to be desired and reminds me of the times when PF criminals could commit all sorts of atrocities without any form of punishment being meted out on them, not even an arrest or expulsion from the Party or government position.

    Surely your Party PF was popularly known for its lawlessness, tolerance for criminalities and lack of respect for human rights and I feel these practices have highly inspired you to overlook the law that governs the Nursing Profession thus the proposal for the relaxation of the punishment imposed on the wild Nurses who caused massive psychological and emotional destruction on our society and on the Nursing Profession.

    Sir! Your article suggests that those who break the law by committing crimes and abrogating the law must not be punished or made to serve the appropriate and actual punishment that’s according and equivalent to the crimes or offenses they commit, instead, must be forgiven and given at least a lesser punishment in order for them to reform and become good citizens of Zambia. Which for me is the worst unprofessional way of handling issues and it’s highly detrimental to our health system in Zambia.

    Ambassador Mwamba, do you reckon the law really forgives as you’re suggesting in your well grammared English article? Don’t you think your call to have these sexually captivated NURSES reinstated comprises the Nursing Standards, quality of service and promotes lawlessness, misconduct, nuances and further abrogation of such Nursing Standards. Such actions also allows other Nurses greater leeway in following suit by doing the same things that these Nurses did.

    Sir, some things, rather processes are better just left to operate and hap as they should be in order to maintain and strengthen the standards of the Nursing profession. That’s to say, when one goes out of the way of the profession, we must allow the law that governs such a profession to take its course because that’s the only way of standardizing and maintaining Nursing as a profession.

    Ambassador Mwamba, this your mentality coupled with that of those NURSES are what has made government institutions to be occupied and managed by extremely unprofessional people who in my view don’t even deserve the job.

    Any reasonable and 5 sensed person will agree with me that a staggering 75% of government workers in Zambia are extremely unprofessional and 25% of them don’t even have qualifications and are half baked and only doing what they do because of their monthly salaries. No passion or love attached to their jobs and they can do anything they want because they know Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba will understand and will eventually not do anything about it.

    Every person has a right to choose from variety of careers such as music, dancing, football, Business and Finance, Education and Training,
    Government and Public Administration, Health Science, Information Technology and when one chooses Nursing, they need not to conduct themselves like a Musician or a Circular dancer or indeed a hoe in a Night Club. Nurses should be nurses and not public corrupt dancers.

    Let professionals be professionals for the sake of improved quality health services and a professional workforce.

    If there’s a sector that has been populated with unprofessional people in Zambia today, it’s the public sector.


    Castrol Kafweta Jabari



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