August 16th, 2024

“Let them eat cake” is the most famous quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. As the story goes, it was the queen’s response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread. As cake is more expensive than bread, the anecdote has been cited as an example of Marie-Antoinette’s obliviousness to the conditions and daily lives of ordinary people. But did she ever actually utter those words? The Queen did not last long inside the palace after she uttered those words.

This renowned historic fact got me reminded this morning when I read in the press that the Zambia IMF Resident Representative Eric Lautier responded to my statement earlier in the week.

He says Zambians should be going online to read their (IMF) reports and that we confuse economics with politics. He assumes majority ordinary Zambians have data or bundles to log in online. He would not know as being online cost him zero ngwee or cents. Coincidentally Eric Lautier is French and I guess he also has the syndrome of ‘let the people eat cake if there is no bread in the shops’. Very oblivious to the hardships ordinary Zambians are going through because of the same IMF.

Above is my Political response to the IMF Rep in Zambia and maybe he can state ‘Economically’ what the IMF position is on the IDC. What’s their position on State Owned Enterprises (SOEs)? What does their IMF Online report say or guide on ZESCO, MOPANI mine, Zamtel, Zambeef, Fuel & Fertilizer subsidies etc etc.
They don’t need to mention these companies by name as I did, but what’s their position in general terms. Lastly are they that aware Zambians are suffering partly because of their conditionalities on Zambia and African Countries in general?

Lastly may I repeat to Mr IMF that when Zambians have no bread to eat, it also means they have no cake on their tables. When they say they have no nshima to eat, it also means they have no rice, potatoes, KFC or pizza on their tables.

Miles B. Sampa, MP
President, Patriotic Front


  1. Ne nsoni iyoo! Ati PF president kwisa? Limbi ni PF ya ku Afghanistan! Miles Hisampa is just following footsteps of his brother Nevers Mumba, whose political career is over! Even for Miles Hisampa , his political career is over! He’s not trustworthy, and there’s that ka unpredictability in him! So ama Zambians are just watching, but are able to tell sense from nonsense! So Miles Hisampa has no future in Zambian politics, like Nevers ma zero mu ma elections!

  2. Mukuka mukuka mukuka Don’t comment anyhow just becoz you have bundles for social media. Miles Sampa with all his political errors is still a financial expert nowonder the imf guy was able to respond to his earlier article. So be quiet and silent when critical issues behond your level of thinking and understanding are being discussed by experts.

    • Stop being a parot you also. IDC spokes person told Sampa to his face he was lying. This man just said the same to him. Want the facts go to the source.
      IDC said. They are not selling. IMF has told you read their policies and engagement with the government. Stop supporting nonsense. Earlier in the week Miles tried to lie about valuation and Zambeef. Nsulukusa set the record straight.
      Sampa is an economist. Numbers dont lie. Records are there.

  3. Miles stop getting personal and making Ad hominem statements (Attacking the person instead of making the issue the arguement) What does his nationality have to do the issue that you raised? This man told you the truth. Stop spinning the narrative. As usual you chaps love to get personal when you are challenged and tell lies. Namakau at IDC said the same thing. Why did you respond to her?

    You and the Ambassador of lies peddle in misinformation. That is all you do.
    And I will quote what was reported in News Diggers “Lautier observed that the current economic debate in the country was devoid of facts.”
    And this true. You fluff through your jobs and dont deal in facts. You told a lie Miles and you were called out. Nsulukusa set tge record straight. You lied again and Namakau underdressed you.

    Lets focus if we want to get ahead Miles. The Miles Sampa I knew in tge 2000s was respected in his field. Cause he did homework. Was objective. As MPs we expect you to raise issues in Parliament not come here and peddle lies. That goes for the Bweengwa MP as well. Do your politics in Parliament, what happens in Parliament is aired on television and wish that had a Radio station that run debates in the evening so people dont have to rely expensive DSTV to follow issues or detracted in being productive during the day.
    Leave the young man Lautier alone. He is just telling us where we can go to articulate the policies and positions of the Bank. Besides talking about bundles, you failed the free wifi as Mayor. As MP why not work with Mutati (Mr) on how you can accelerate the proliferation of technology so that information is accessible? What are you doing to protect kids legislatively when this technology arrives? What are doing to you doing legislatively to protect consumers and hold institutions accountable when they fail/dont have adequate protection from fraudsters online?
    As a person that was passionate about the next generation in your constituency and how they can meet the challenges and opportunities that technology has to offer, one would have thought you would seek colaboration to garner resources, legislation and policy to make some of you visions of young Zambians a reality. A legacy we would have been proud that you had attained. Instead you want to join the chorus in uselessness and lies. What value do you add? What purpose do you serve? Stop the nonsense bwana. Money is not everythng. Ichola the reward. The process is just as enjoyable when the purpose is challenging. Work for Zambians not kasaka ka ndalama…

  4. Miles B Sampa, former mayor of Lusaka and now serving as MP for Matero constituency in Lusaka. As Lusaka mayor Sampa bought a top-of-the-range Nissan Patrol as his official car before thinking about patching the pavement on Cairo Road. When it rains pools of water collect in the pot-holes on pavements. At the civic centre itself, landscaping is of informal sector standard. I’m wondering if Sampa saw this as vital work requiring his attention. Just in case some have forgotten, this is the same Sampa who celebrated the successful subscription to Zambia’s Eurobonds in 2012. He was reminded that it was in fact debt that needed to he repaid. Now he wants to smart alec and appear as though he cares.

  5. We are irresponsible jokers. Was it IMF which forced PF to get those Eurobonds and Chinese loans and pocket the money? And you bring that fraud Clive to build bullet trains. Where are the bullet trains? Go to Tanzania and they are operating SGR electric trains. They are not yapping about IMF this IMF that.


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