Alot of sports men and women went to the Commonwealth Games but why are complaints only coming from the swimmers -Thomas Sipalo



Yes, PS Kangwa might have uttered bad words but there’s more to these allowance frenzy than meets the eye!

Alot of sports men and women went to the Commonwealth Games but why are complaints only coming from the swimmers and not any other sports discipline?

Have we ever sat down to ask ourselves why swimming is now a sport for the elite and why we have no komboni swimmers?

If you go to OYDC sports complex you will find Komboni youth participating in all sports discipline apart from swimming.

Why should a swimming pool at OYDC only accessible to whites, mixed races and rich black kids and yet komboni kids of Matero, Chaisa, Mandevu are other compounds are not allowed to swim there?
Why is the Swimming Union locking the gate of the pool and reserve entrance to only rich kids, while other sports facilities are open for the komboni talent ?

I challenge Dr Changala (OYDC CEO) to refute my claims over the pool at OYDC being only open to a selected few rich people and yet govt is the one that pays all the maintenance of the swimming pool using Tax payers money from which even the same komboni kids not allowed entry pay the same tax.

Most Komboni dwellers have minted medals, what medals has swimming brought and why?
Its simple, the sport is only for the rich and the only pool which is supposed to expose komboni talent is restricted to only the elite.

I don’t support PS Kangwa’s words, he has a good point only badly expressed!

Vuto iliku swimming federation.

Yours truly,
Thomas Sipalo,



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