Amnesty International report on repression in Zambia accurate- Sean Tembo, Lubinda says it’s rubbish

    Patriots for Economic Progress leader Sean Tembo

    Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) leader Sean Tembo says the Amnesty International Report on Zambia released a few days ago accurately captures the level of repression, intimidation and violence against political opponents, civil society and the general public by the ruling Patriotic Front Party and its Government.

    Tembo says it is an undeniable fact that there are more Zambians that have been arrested for alleged defamation of the President in the past 6 years of President Edgar Lungu’s tenure than those arrested under all the other 5 former Republican Presidents combined.

    He posits that this fact speaks volumes about President Lungu’s intolerance of criticism by those who hold a different viewpoint, as well as his appetite to use state institutions such as the police to fight personal political battles.

    However, former Minister of Justice, Given Lubinda says the report is rubbish only meant to tarnish the country’s image.

    Lubinda says the report is far from the truth, as Zambia is well led under the leadership of President Lungu.


    As Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) we have taken time to study the Amnesty International Report on Zambia that was released a few days ago. Our view is that the Report accurately captures the level of repression, intimidation and violence against political opponents, civil society and the general public by the ruling Patriotic Front Party and its Government.
    It is an undeniable fact that there are more Zambians that have been arrested for alleged defamation of the President in the the past 6 years of President Edgar Lungu’s tenure than those arrested under all the other 5 former Republican Presidents combined. This fact speaks volumes about President Lungu’s intolerance of criticism by those who hold a different viewpoint, as well as his appetite to use state institutions such as the police to fight personal political battles.

    It is also an undeniable fact that under President Edgar Lungu’s tenure, the ruling Patriotic Front Party has been militarized with its cadres ready to brutalize political opponents in the same manner and fashion as the so-called “brown shirts” during Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Indeed, 10 years ago in 2011, we used to see the general public wearing all sorts of party regalia ranging from the blue and white of the then ruling MMD to the green and black of the PF and the red and yellow of the UPND, all walking freely around town. Today however, any member of the public who wears any regalia other than that of the ruling PF is quickly assaulted and beaten to a pulp in full view of the police.

    As Patriots for Economic Progress, there is no doubt in our mind that President Edgar Lungu is now a self-styled tyrant and tinpot dictator who does not think twice about using political violence to intimidate citizens or using state institutions such as the Police to squeeze his political opponents into subjugation. Indeed, we wish to applaud Amnesty International for accurately and elaborately documenting the tyranny in which Zambia has fallen into under the leadership of President Edgar Lungu, and bringing it to the attention of the entire world.

    As Patriots for Economic Progress, we wish to take this opportunity to call upon President Lungu to reflect on his leadership style in view of the unequivocal verdict placed on him by Amnesty International. It is not too late for President Lungu to change his ways and embrace democracy, tolerance, accountability, fairness and equity in the administration of the nation’s affairs. It is never too late to do the right thing.
    Thank You and May God Bless the Good Citizens of the Republic of Zambia and Our Ailing Nation.





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