Analysis _ya pa_ Street of Hakainde Hichilema


    By Chiti Nseluka

    This guy was in prison for over 120 days and still was not broken. Others stay in prison for a few days and they are broken beyond redemption.

    Have you noticed how the mines privatization issue always comes about during elections and this is the information that is fed to the masses of people. How many times has he defended himself over this issue. The fact that the courts have never summoned him on this issue sends a very strong signal that maybe umu boys is clean.

    In terms of morality, I cannot lie, no current politician either in government or opposition has the strong moral standing like this guy. _Sembe enze che na gelo mu Chawama sembe nkhani inaapya zooona._ His members have been killed the most by bullets from the police force. He himself has been driven in the bush before running away from live ammunition from the forces that protect his political rival.

    It has not been easy for him.

    How many people have been hired to bring this man down sure? But he always comes out clean, this leaves his political opponents frustrated all the time. But the truth is he is just a human being, with feelings and fighting for a better Zambia. One day, he may throw in the towel and there will be no one to offer checks and balances, because at the moment, he is the only one who does so.

    Whether he wins or not, his loss will not necessarily be his, it will be the loss of most Zambians who are languishing in poverty and get poorer each day.

    He is quiet a rich and wealthy guy and has commands a good academic standing. So, you wonder what motivation is behind the impetus to make Zambia a more prosperous nation. Is it frustration, love for the country, patriotism? The truth is since he is a big shareholder in many businesses both in and outside Zambia, the economic performance of the country eventually also affects the performance of his businesses. Thus, if he can be the person controlling the economy, this implies he will eventually affect how profitable his businesses will perform.

    He did not start out on a very good note but through the years, he has slowly been gaining momentum and is learning Zambian politics as it is. He has even learnt how to interact in other local languages including saying _amalumbo_ like, _“nakuchita ububi Ch*kala iwe”_ during campaigns.

    He has had to fight the tribal mark, whether its true he is tribal or not, _kaya._ But many hate him for no apparent reasons. As such, the tribalism issue remains something that must be fought at all costs. It has destroyed relationships, opportunities and lives, yet it seems tribalism is very ok for most of our influential civic leaders.

    It would not be a bad idea to let this guy hold the reigns of power, but the task is an almost impossible unless just God allows him to win. He has not received a favourable political space and may not actually receive any. What if we have been rejecting a person who actually can lead this country back to economic and socio-stability? Everybody deserves a chance. Or maybe he should just lose again so that we feel the almighty PF for another 5 years.

    The choice is ours!!! But the truth is _MWE LESA, ABANTU BENU BACHULA MUCHALO ZOOOOONA!!!!_ Is this the Zambia our forefathers envisioned sure?
    I know I will be in trouble again for writing this but its fine!!!



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