Home Politics PF Another charge of ‘Inciting Tribal War’ has been slapped on Dan Pule,...

Another charge of ‘Inciting Tribal War’ has been slapped on Dan Pule, Nawakwi, Munir Zulu, Maureen Mabonga and Brebner Changala



State Slaps Another Charge, INCITING TRIBAL WAR.

In addition to seditious practices charge, another charge of ‘Inciting Tribal War’ has been slapped on Apostle Dan Pule, Hon Edith Nawakwi, Hon Munir Zulu, Hon Maureen Mabonga and Mr Brebner Changala.

The 5 detainees are expected to appear in court today at 14:00hrs. Media Houses, UKA leaders, members, supporters and democracy loving Zambians are informed accordingly.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Commmuications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. The truth is when the anointing of God is out of someone he or she remains bitter and God doesn’t look back.
    Because they are living with a deception spirit they will continue until the demons poseses them fully.

    Read 1 Samuel 28:1- 24
    In verse 15 – 19 you will fully understand why ECL and his people are behaving the way they are.
    so far ba ECL and his team are chasing the wind thinking he can catch up HH going to an extent of invoking the spirit of the dead ( Ba Sata MHRP), you just loo k at the man ECL works of late you will be suprised like Soul chasing David.

  2. All this was unnecessary. Wise and prudent respectful legal arguments would have been better to use than this primitive narative. But no the more dramatic the more grand. So here we are with cases to be answered.

    It is ease to deduce from the actions or lack thereof , that the agenda of contentious tribal issues is widely acceptable and endorsed by the majority of the opposition leaders. The fact that all but a few of them have condemned this crinimal utterance is self incriminating.

    It is for this reasons we the citizens will stand oppossed and meet any one who is strong bent on destroying the future of our country for political gain. We will ensure such politicians will never see the day light in parliament again. Try us guys. We are ready legally to wipe you clean for the sake of our children and future generations to come. True story.

    Your political ambitions is not worth kids dying. Infact it is even better for you to get a job and stop wasting our precious time and valuable resources. We have more important things to do than you coming.to us with tantrums each time you feel threatened. Stand strong and prove your innocence if wrongly accused.

    Time has come to call for a country wide petition to deregister political parties bent on divding us and destroying our peace. We the faithful patriotic citizens are ready to vigorously decampaign such horrible political leaders or MPs.


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