Antonio Mwanza appointed PF National Youth Chairman

    Antonio Mwanza

    Antonio Mourinho Mwanza appointed PF National Youth Chairman

    He wrote;

    I want to express my profound gratitude on my new appointments as PF Member of the Central Committee (MCC) and further as PF National Youth Chairman.

    These appointments are an enormous and humbling appointments that come with a huge burden of responsibility.

    I am forever indebted to His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the entire Central Committee of the Patriotic Front for the trust and confidence they have shown in.

    I pray that God in His infinite grace grant me knowledge and wisdom to provide sound leadership in my new roles.

    To my beautiful wife, amazing family and my all-weather friends, I just want to say, thank you for always believing in me; thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

    To the PF family, I pledge my heart and soul in defence and promotion of the party and all that we believe in.

    May God bless Zambia.

    For immediate release

    I wish to inform members of the Patriotic Front and the general public that the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front met today to discuss pertinent issues concerning the Party in light of the just ended general elections and the future of the Party among other important issues.

    The Central Committee meeting was chaired by His Excellency, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The meeting made an honesty and frank post-mortem of the past elections and made clear decisions to REBRAND and REBUILD the party with a clear intention of bouncing back to power in the next general elections.

    Further, the Central Committee in its quest to revive and strengthen the party in readiness for the next elections did make the following appointments:

    1. Mr. Antonio Mwanza has been appointed as a Member of the Central Committee and he has further been appointed as the National Youth Chairman of the Party.

    2. Hon. Given Lubinda has been appointed as the National Chairperson for Information and Publicity.

    3. Hon. Vincent Mwale has been appointed as National Chairperson for Elections.

    4. Hon Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) has been appointed as the Chairperson in-charge of National Mobilisation, and

    5. Hon. Elizabeth Phiri has been appointed as National Chairperson for Women and Gender.

    I want to urge all our members and structures not to despair but to remain strong and focused as the Party goes through this difficult moment. We have learned our lessons and in God we trust, we will bounce back sooner than later.

    Issued by:
    Hon. Davies MWILA
    PF Secretary General
    Party Headquarters



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