1st June, 2024

Armed UPND cadres with pangas/machetes have joined Armed Police in Mandevu Constituency to stop the New Heritage Party (NHP) ‘In Defense of Democracy’ rally at Chipata Grounds.

Since President Hichilema and the UPND regime came to power in August 2021, no opposition political party has managed to have a mass rally. President Hichilema and the UPND have been able to hold rallies at will.

Mandevu residents are angered and wondering why the Police are tolerating armed UPND cadres rooming freely in the constituency. President Hichilema has always stated that he has ended cadreism.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Commmuications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. Forsake, is this not what you were doing while in power. Idiots, leave the cadres alone, bcos you did the same in yr time.

  2. Sad though,that the cadres are moving with pangas in mandevu and it calls for the police to do something.nevertheless,it is not time for campaigns no political rallies,we don’t need that.

  3. If what Mr. Silavwe is reporting is true, then it is very sad indeed. It means we have not moved an inch from the dispicable practices of the PF. It is not the role of UPND cadres to enforce the law and if this is not dealt with firmly, the cadres will have no respect for the police just like what happened during the reign of PF.

    Cadreism should never be allowed to rear its ugly head ever again. Just yesterday, Mr. Mwaliteta was apologizing for the insults hurled at Mr. Lungu by UPND cadres at the DEC offices and now this? It just shows that the cadres have no respect for their leaders including the president who has repeatedly spoken against cadreism. OBVIOUSLY, no one is paying any attention to him.

    And why should the police deny NHP the chance to speak to the people? The police are a serious stumbling block to our fledgling democracy.

  4. It’s not that which you are saying is very true. These PIEFU and their UKWA group are delaling – They should stop delela Kateka and Silwavwe.

    I am just thinking, but truth be told these criminals are using every any available means to break the law, bring confusion and attract some sympathy from some members of society to say UPND cadres are attacking them using PANGAS. Which is absolutely not. If at all it happens then those are your PIEFU thags ( snake into dove style)

    First and foremost, if the POLICE have denied you permit to hold a rally , You have to obey because they have reasons of and for doing so, be it genuine or not, you have to obey if at all or indeed you are a law abiding citizen/s; after all we are not in an election year having or having a bye- election in Mandevu Constituency.

    I am of the view that in the recent past when we had some bye+elections in certain areas of our Country, various political parties were or have been having rallies and no one was stoping them. I remember UPP+? party for president Chanda won a ward election in i think Kanchibiya, constituency SP was also there campaigning. Were they stopped, NO but ba Heritage party for Kateka was not there. Anyway you were there in a UKWA bag

    You Silwavwe and Emboila were campaigning for your UKA in Southern Province were you stopped? NO.

    So just try to reason with yourself and say your plans have been altogether and are failing. Just recently your president in the UKWA bag ECL was in DUNAMIS Church not for sermon but just for something else repeatedly. Where he was talking of him being a snake, a child being born before 9 months just something else thereafter, we saw the tribalism being watered of course from that angle, the JJ Banda issue, again this one now. Even delelaling the POLICE like Malema like saying so – STOP DELELA SILWAVWE, Otherwise there’s decency now in our Country despite your resolve to destabilise the nation by your planned acts of evil, You will definitely bump into the law or may be those Many people you offended while in power they will go after you if at all it is true but if not you yourselves are using your stollen money to pay these young people to bring confusion in the Country. It will not work it will backfire.

    You said it with your green Mamba that you will make it difficult for HH to rule but HH alifika pa level yimbi. You can’t match him with his team. Mubepelefye.

    He was very soft on you but now you will start running away, because you are inviting trouble.

    Otherwise you are just full of lies. You gassers , defaulters, murderers.

    • I strongly agree ba kemble nabadelela .okay truth be told what do they expect will happen if someone willingly breaks the law?
      When police deny permission it means either they have foreseen trouble coming or they are not ready to police the area.but because they are used to lawlessness they get surprised when get locked up


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