Home Politics PF arresting Lungu now might shake the core of this already highly divided...

arresting Lungu now might shake the core of this already highly divided country



The Lungu Factor My Thoughts

Let’s be honest here, stopping Lungu’s movements has nothing to do with his safety but everything to do with him campaigning ba Jack naimwe. Come on Gentlemen we are not that lame, he can afford his own security. And what security does he need to go and see a bishop in a private meeting. If he walks in town with no harm? It’s your UPND youths that have threatened to harm him,they are the ones you should be warning.

You stripped him of his security, benefits and protocal as the former head of State according to the law. Today ati you are concerned about his safety? Boza

And arresting Lungu now might shake the core of this already highly divided country, if not immediately then on the ballot in 2026. It looks simple but try, you will unite everyone whose is against UPND.

Immediately UPND found the 65 million they should have presented their case in parliament for the removal of his immunity. The mood was right at that time. Convicted and let him serve the sentence under house arrest. You could have gotten respect for the house arrest and cut of his politocal wings; that’s one some of us with our mindset should never be near power lol. However, such opportunity is gone and anything like that will come with heavy political consequences.

Now the Political and Economic conditions can’t support that so easily. You are playing with a match stick now, he is not the fuel or fire but a match stick. In fact the opposition that have aligned with him are selfishly wishing you do “harm” to him, so that they can use it during campaigns. Political experience should have taught you that former Presidents tend to become popular or very influential after 3 to 4 years e.g. KK, FTJ and RB

Ello to be honest,nobody was even considering Lungu to be threat to you by 2026. But you are making him an option by your wrong political moves. He is becoming a factor everyday and even swallowing the opposition political parties and the church.

Apa solution I would cause some confusion and bring a respected African leader to pretend to negotiate for Lungu kanshi he is negotiating for you, it can be quick and swift. Tell Lungu to retire and support the President and we leave his kids and wife alone. This lungu issue is now big political problem you have caused because of pride, if you had decided not remove his immunity for whatever reasons, why not make him a “friend”? It’s the golden rule even by the mafia ” keep your enemies closer”.

The Bembas say ” the bone you are fond of breaks your tooth”. Instead of always responding to Lungu, respond to an opposition you prefer. That opposition will easily try to over shadow him. Hearts and minds and not sticks and stones. Hello if PF comes back am running to Congo kiki

Nkonkomalimba Kapumpe


  1. Why is it that many people support law breakers? Did ECL allow HH free movement? Also what is the public order act all about. ?

  2. There’s nothing wrong to do the right thing at the right time. If anyone breaks the law the law will break him also. It is as simple as that period.

    The has no respect of anyone it follows anyone who provokes it, no wonder it is said, law is blind. Even in the Bible it is written;

    Timothy 1:9 in Other Translations
    9 For the law was not intended for people who do what is right. It is for people who are lawless and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who kill their father or mother or commit other murders.

    This is what the Holy Bible tells us about the law.

    So if anyone misbehaves, there’s nothing that will hinder it providing it’s authority. Anyone who blindly supports evil by breaking the law will also be squeezed, under its perimeters. Period

  3. I hope the writer is not implying that ECL should not be held accountable for any illegality he may commit purely for political expediency.

    Matters relating to alleged legalities involving his family cannot just be ignored; the law must take its course, I submit.


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