Prior to 2021 polls, you fearlessly told Zambians that they would REGRET voting you out of Office. Just a day out, regrets started such that abakote (old aged) were favored with jobs at the expense of fearless youths who aided UPND’s win. Bo ECL, what kind of a prophet are you?

Ba former kateka, on pretext that your government was very corrupt, UPND de-campaigned against you with Zambians accepting these lies from them. From the time UPND assumed office, there have been numerous FIRINGS based on corruption allegations of office bearers. Bo Lungu, I swear that you were not corrupt like these lions in sheep clothing.

Abasungu batila, ‘show me your friends and I will know who you are’. This must also apply to the current President Inasmuch as they applied it to you, ECL, then. I remember the ZAF commander being FIRED on corruption allegations and to pave way for investigations.

I am sure, Bo ECL, you haven’t forgotten the suitcase of calendars case by the then, Foreign Affairs minister and corruption allegations which led to him quitting. What surprises me is that with all these firings, there has been no conviction and arrests made from these. Why?

Bo Lungu, do you know that some buses today, are not operating from their designated areas because then, they seemed to have supported PF? I know ba kateka don’t allow you to move around anymore but I am telling you, UPND cadres are busy terrorizing marketeers daily in these public markets.

Bo Lungu, kalya akabunga mwashile pa ZMW160.00 apa kali AVIATOR pa ZMW320.00 and in trying to lower the initial price, they have introduced ZNS’s Eagle Meal which is only bought by a few aba kumayadi because there are no outlets mumashodoodo mwathu. Even buying it, one needs ma ama connections.

Bo ECL, dumpe (fuel) you left at ZMW17.62 is now AVIATING at ZMW31.62 per litre. With fuel being part of the economy engine, apa tulenya amensi as life is unbearable not just to the 1.8million who voted for you but also to the arrogant 2.8 million who voted against you.

Bo Chagwa, loadshedding you once managed properly then when we complained of 12hrs, today, in Chilanga, we only have power for 1:30 minutes a day. Mathematically, we are in 22:30 minutes without power a day and the current President see no wrong in that because there is always power kwake.

Bo Lungu, then, transport fare from town to Kafue used to cost ZMW20.00 but with these economists today, the same distance is costing ZMW50.00. With ZMW20.00, you can’t even reach Chilanga but if you do, then the bus conductor would have showered you with all forms of insults on the way.

Okay, back to corruption fight. Just a day after the resignation of the ACC Director General, HH dissolves the ACC board, why? Why then, did the ACC DG resign in the first place? I smell a rat somewhere in this resignation. If the suitcase man could resign, what is stopping the Solicitor General in doing the same?

Bo ECL, see this…Instead of HH firing the Solicitor General who is under investigation, he FIRES and DISSOLVES the ACC Board mandated to investigate the Solicitor General. Is the Solicitor General UNTOUCHABLE? I don’t properly see the mathematics here.

I am confused on this corruption fight.

Bo Lungu, I know that I was part of the 2.8 million who never wanted anything to do with you and your PF regime having lost my businesses due to political alignment. Then, I knew that the coming into office of the UPND would see my businesses resuscitated. Today, I am among those failing to buy a bag of ZNS mealie meal. Life is not just hard but also unbearable.

Yes, I de-campaigned against you but today I regret that day I stood on a podium with a microphone lying to the masses that ECL and PF are corrupt because I never knew how ba UPND would be. I regret even having used my little remaining resources then to campaign for ba UPND. I wish I knew they were marginal liars.

Bo ECL, kuma campaign then, we told the people that akabunga was expensive in your leadership and so was fuel but little did we know that the party we campaigned for would double and/or in some instances triple commodity prices.

Akabunga and fuel are DIAMONDS in this regime Sir.

Bo Lungu, I know that my campaigns against you made your soul weak and that today, you have nothing to do with me and other 2.8 million Zambians. But I am assured to publicly address you like a father for the father’s heart is embedded in you. I better declare publicly my apology to you whilst you are still alive.

Bo Chagwa, today, the 21st of July 2024, three years after having removed PF out of office and three years after dropping my first APOLOGY to you over what I foresaw the next day of ushering HH into office, I PUBLICLY, and on behalf of other arrogant 2.8 million Zambians, render my SINCERE APOLOGIES on VOTING AGAINST PF and YOU.

Sir, little did we know that by voting for UPND, we were voting for a form of CORRUPTION which WENT TO PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Publicly, they are saints but the level of corruption and theft that happens when we go to bed is beyond measures. We thought voting for UPND was voting against corruption but that isn’t the case today.

Please Bo Lungu, I come, today, with a sober mind and heart that is resolved to publicly render my apology on behalf of the arrogant camp and indeed on my behalf, knowing truly that we are your LOST SONS, please forgive us and speak for us always when you have the podium because these hardships are too much on us.

Just as we always pray for your safety and long life, Bo ECL, please put us all too in your daily prayers because the mistake we made seems to still be around us up until 2026. We are hopeless today because the purported HOPE AND HELP has turned into HOPELESS AND LONELINESS in this regime.

Bo father of the nation, if this little epistle has reached your attention, then I will live a happy man and even when I die, I will rest in peace knowing that you truly forgave me and the 2.8 million Zambians I have spoken on behalf. I know that you have a gentle and caring heart that you FORGIVE.

Thank you, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, for having led Zambia into prosperity. Thank you for the precious life lived during your regime.

Thank you for having loved us, the poor, wholeheartedly.

Yours your lost son and on behalf of others,


  1. Certainly not on my behalf. And certainly not on behalf of all those who lost their relatives during the PF brutal regime, those who were retired in tribal interest, and those who were harassed by PF cadres.

    • It is on behalf of all Zambians, except some Zambezi dwellers like you. The people that always vote along tribal lines.

      • Your hatred for one section of fellow citizens will not take you anywhere. You are stuck with them and one of them is the president. Get used to it. Your tribesman or your mbuya will never bwelelapo.

  2. Speak for yourself. No one appointed you as their spokesman, so just grow some balls and endure the majority decision.

    I can never go back to PF. I know what and who they represent.

  3. Who is this “activist – honourable” Munsanje? How can you give yourself such stupid titles (very sorry to use this term for lack of a better word).

    You come across as a PF sympathiser masquerading as someone who voted for HH and UPND. You cannot fool me.

    I have absolutely no regrets for voting for HH. Even with all the noise going on, I believe he means well for the country and I trust him more than any other politician.

  4. Count me out. I am still convinced that what I did was the correct thing to do, and that is to play my part in removing ECL and NPF from power.

  5. I dread having PF back in power!
    We all know who they are.
    HH has just found himself in this malaise. But if PF were in power, the situation would have been worse. The PF
    – Failed to pay for electricity imported
    – Failed to pay for fuel
    – Failed to pay farmers
    – Failed to negotiate debt restructuring
    Even before we talk about who they are, with just these four issues, what kind of an economy would we have?
    PF theliz no!

  6. If this musanje wants to go and eat his vomit then that is his right. The rest of us 2.8 have no regrets in getting rid of ecl and his pf and we will never bring him back no matter how rough things get.

  7. Only thieves like you munsanje with your pfools misses lungu and we know why. You benefitted from pfools. Stop insulting our interect that Zambians have regretted booting pfool out of power. No body in their normal senses would miss pfool tyranny but fellow thieves like you. Everyone knows that it will take time to bring back Zambia’s lost glory days economically. Stop fooling yourself munsanje nobody wants pfool back zero. Most Zambians work for themselves and don’t depend on pfools handouts .You are the reason the nation is now infested with junkies everywhere because you were telling these chaps that one can become rich over night without an effort of working. We don’t want recycled finished politicians like with zero visition at all atase iwe munsanje. Cry for yourself that you miss pfools your pay masters. Ifwe we do work for ourselves, don’t speak for us speak for yourself iwe kembo.

  8. You are annoying stop the nonsense. ECL is finished, you can cry he will NEVER come back. In 2026 HH will get 7 milion votes just like Kagami in Rwanda 97%.. Yelu¡!!!!

    • Zambezi region can not give 97% of the votes in Zambia. Even the Zambezi region, they are fed up of him. They know their child is a conman, and bringing shame to this region.

      And please do not compare Kagame to the conman. There is no corruption in Rwanda. Their economy is thriving. There is no tribalism, or giving their assets to LGBT masters. People are happy there. We should borrow him to come and sort out our country.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

  9. Indigo, why don’t you marry tasila and be member of the most corrupt human being in Africa.
    You forget what PF did, eewhe chikala.
    Why don’t you move to Rwanda and safe the oxygen in Zambia.
    You are nothing but a PF prick.


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