Home Business CABINET UNBUNDLES ZESCO…removes transmission and distribution network infrastructure and function from ZESCO

CABINET UNBUNDLES ZESCO…removes transmission and distribution network infrastructure and function from ZESCO



…removes transmission and distribution network infrastructure and function from ZESCO….

Open Access to the Transmission and Distribution Lines.

Cabinet also approved the Open Access to the electricity Transmission and Distribution
Lines, which involves, separation of the system operator function from ZESCO

Creation of an Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO); and Electricity open access market structure and open access regulations that will outline open access market rules.

Cabinet has found it necessary to make such a progressive policy decision, which is also in
line with the Energy Policy and the Electricity Act.

The market structure and open access
regulations will, promote non-discriminatory access to the transmission and distribution
networks; foster competition giving consumers alternative sources of electricity thereby
creating competition, as competition leads to better quality services and lower prices.

The decision by Cabinet will further encourage investment in transmission and distribution
infrastructure as third-party users will pay for network use, thereby creating sufficient
revenue for network owners to develop and maintain the grid; promote investment in
generation and security of supply as more power producers will invest in generation.

It is further envisaged that the proposed open access market structure will enhance
electricity security of supply necessary to support the Government’s industrialisation and economic diversification agenda; and lessen the financial stress on ZESCO because an Independent Power Producer can sell directly to a big consumer such as a mine without ZESCO being forced to be the off taker.


  1. The main problem is generation of power.

    Yes transmission can be optimised, but it seems a bit suspicious because we all know who will bid and get these tenders.

    What a useless government with no solutions. Just patching their way through their ka one term in office.

    Vote very wisely in 2026.

  2. Expert opinion is divided on this matter. Journalists can do readers a favour by talking to industry experts on this matter. I remember attending a discussion where Rodney Sisala the former managing director of Zesco spoke both as an engineer and an industry expert of many years. We need such people’s voices urgently.

  3. ZESCO Transmission/Distribution capacity has very little extra capacity. The positive is that Power Purchase Agreements will be good. The caution is to watch for Sangwapos. Regards.

  4. Crooks and criminals at it again..This is the same CEC arrangement..the Milupi and Sondowe thievery.
    They deliberately created a power crisis in the country, subjecting the country to over 12 hours load shedding( they could have easily imported power from Tanzania which is even shutting some power plants) …To wear the citizens so much , and capitalize on the desperation, and then sneak in what they have all along sought. To unbundle and sell Zesco…and get the Transmission and Distribution..the CEC way.
    What do you transmit and distribute you fools? Is it not what you generate? You don’t want to generate because you know that the costs involved in power generation are very high , so you get the middle part , transmission and distribution, to rip off the consumers.Whoever will get the Transmission and Distribution infrastructure is the one who will be supplying power to Zambia’s industry and domestic consumers. Zambians open your eyes on this day light robbery.. Those Power purchase agreements they are talking about to feed into the grid are fake…No serious investments will be made by those white Kids, 17 year olds pledging 3000MW , 2500 Mega Watts Solar power which will be fed into the grid..it’s all nonsense. Can the EIZ give a position on this open theft Hakainde and Milupi have devised.. Members of Parliament take these criminals to task.
    I read this move a long time ago, and it has come to pass.

  5. This is progressive thinking!
    Stimulating investment in power generation and improving capacity in distribution is long overdue!
    We are sick and tired of ZESCO incompetence.
    The recent spate of ZESCO transformers catching fire every now and then is a sign of lack of seriousness!
    They continue to overloading transformers with new connections without due regard for installed capacity.
    Let private players come in.
    It’s better to have expensive but reliable power than to have cheap power that is not there12 hours + everyday!
    It’s also a good business opportunity to invest in mini power generation plants to cash in on the ever increasing demand for power!
    When the market saturated with many players, that is, when supply exceeds demand, the cost of power will come down and level off!
    This is progressive thinking ba New Dawn government!
    Well done!
    This issue has been given lip service since the MMD and PF days! They were all just saying “unbundling ZESCO” “unbundling ZESCO” without tangible policy direction!
    They were more happy to keep ZESCO as a cash cow for political party mobilization.
    Please make sure to float shares for The ISMO so that citizens can invest in shares like we have done with CEC!
    Vote President Dr HH 2026 for a better and prosperous Zambia!
    I don’t like the politics below the presidency of UPND because it is a mirror image of PF and who Zambia are. We don’t embrace the doctrine of MPH (Meritocracy, Pragmatism and Honesty)! The unbundling of ZESCO is a matter of urgency and we must be Pragmatic about it! Let’s forget about Kariba and Kafue Gorge and confine them to history! Unbundling ZESCO will now stimulate investment in power generation in different forms from Nuclear, Coal, Solar, Wind, Radio Frequency Technology and on smaller scales, Biogas Power Generation plants! We need an energy mix to feed our National grid sufficiently!
    Being Pragmatic means it doesn’t matter what color the Cat is. If it is able to catch mice, it’s a good Cat! In Zambia, we have concentrated too much on the color of the Mouse than it’s abilities!
    Abash Mealie Meal politics!
    We need to upgrade our citizenry business acumens!
    Cheap and Free things have retarded the intellectual growth of this country!
    It’s time to shift gears up!


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