Home Politics PF Cadres teargas electoral officers, disrupt result announcement

Cadres teargas electoral officers, disrupt result announcement


Cadres teargas electoral officers, disrupt result announcement

By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone

SUSPECTED political cadres on Saturday teargased election officials and stole election materials in Chirundu and Sikongo districts.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has condemned the attacks on electoral officers during by-elections in Liumena and Njame wards of Sikongo and Chirundu districts respectively out of the nine ward by-elections conducted on Friday.

“Serious incidences occurred at the Machavika Primary School Polling Station, and later at Chiindi Primary School Polling Station which was also the Totaling Centre in Njame Ward. At Machavika Polling Station, suspected political cadres used pepper spray at the election officials at the Polling Station thereby disrupting the result
announcement process,” ECZ chief electoral officer Brown Kasaro said in a statement. “The cadres went away with two envelopes containing marked ballot papers. Fortunately, the Presiding Officer had the completed results compilation forms which were later used to complete the process.”

He said at Chilindi Primary School poling station which was also the totalling centre, cadres disrupted the compilation of poll results by going away with a record of proceedings.

Kasaro said fortunatey, the Commission had a
copy of the form.

“As a result of this violent disruption, the Commission was forced to suspend the proceedings at the Totaling Centre and all election materials were taken to Chirundu Police Station for safe custody. The results for Njame Ward have since been declared by the returning officer, at Chilindi Primary School at about 09:20 hours, today, Saturday, 13th July 2024. The police have since arrested some suspects and the Commission is keenly following the development of this matter,’’ said Kasaro. ‘’Further, in Sikongo District, another unfortunate incident occurred at Liumena Polling Station in Liumena Ward where some party officials and cadres stormed the Polling Station without accreditation. The officials and cadres insulted, intimidated and harassed not only election officials but also police officers on duty. The Commission strongly condemns these acts of violence, meant to disrupt the process, by cadres and officials. These incidences are unacceptable as they strike at the core of the management of the electoral process and undermine the integrity of elections, and they are also in breach of Sections 87, 89 and 94 of the Electoral Process Act 35 of 2016. Those who will be found to have committed serious offences wil be dealt with in accordance with the Electoral Code of Conduct and Electoral Process Act.”

Credit @The Mast


  1. Of course it’s Upnd cadres who are untouchable because of protection from Hichilema. They are already smelling defeat in 2026, but it will happen. Especially if Donald Trump wins in November this year, there will be no USA to protect and support Hichilema and his Upnd!

  2. Wishful thinking at its best, whether Trump wins or loses, nothing will change, ni forward chabe. Moreover, what protection from USA is there to win a ward, parliamentary or presidential election here in Zambia? All what you don’t want is to acknowledge that you have lost. Just accept bane, you lose nothing by doing that. Winning an election is out of popularity and not out of protection from anyone.

  3. There’s no party which has absolute power to do whatever they want in Zambia apart from the UPND.. This was obviously done by UPND cadres, and the returning officer knows it. We have eyes but we can’t see the menace we have on our hands.. UPND is a danger to
    Zambia …2026 will be worse …These are thugs and Malcontents masquerading as leaders..

  4. It has always been said that PF through Kampyongo distributed unregistered arms, uniforms, bullet proof vests and Tear Gas canisters to it’s Cadres and nothing has been done to retrieve these items from them.
    They are just beginning, it will get worse because they even infiltrated the police, ZAF and Army.
    It’s UpTo government to retrieve these arms.
    PF can not be arrogant for nothing.
    Remember a mere barber man used a state firearm to kill someone in Western Province.


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