Calls for the Government to subject Bill 10 to a referendum are baseless-Makebi Zulu

    Makebi Zulu

    Lawyer Makebi Zulu says calls by Constitutional Lawyer John Sangwa for the government to subject Bill 10 to a referendum are baseless.

    Mr Zulu says only part 3 of the Zambian Constitution can be subjected to a referendum and not the entire Republican Constitution.

    He says Parliament can amend any part of the constitution except for part 3 which is the Bill of Rights which can be amended through a referendum.

    Mr Zulu who is Eastern Province Minister is saddened that Lawyers like Mr Sangwa have taken a lead in misleading the masses over Bill 10.

    The Malambo PF Law Maker has challenged Mr Sangwa and those opposed to Bill 10 to state which clauses they are opposed to instead of opposing the whole document.

    He says it is regrettable that the street debates about Bill 10 have also been adopted by learned people who are supposed to provide guidance to the people.

    Meanwhile, Mr Zulu has also challenged Mr Sangwa to bring forward his petition against President Edgar Lungu’s candidature in next year’s elections.

    He said the insistence by Mr Sangwa that President Lungu is not eligible to stand next year raises a lot of questions than answers because the constitutional court has already ruled in the matter.

    Constitutional lawyer John Sangwa has challenged the PF government to subject the constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 to a referendum to ascertain its popularity among Zambians.



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