Home Obituary Catholic Priest Fr. Edwin Mwale Dies in Road Traffic Accident

Catholic Priest Fr. Edwin Mwale Dies in Road Traffic Accident


Catholic Priest Fr. Edwin Mwale Dies in Road Traffic Accident

Fr. Edwin Mwale, the Cathedral Administrator of the Kabwe Catholic Diocese, was killed in a road traffic accident on June 7, 2024.

Fr. Mwale was a devoted priest who was ordained for the Archdiocese of Lusaka. He served the Archdiocese faithfully until the establishment of the Catholic Diocese of Kabwe, where he continued his dedicated service.

May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace (MHSRIEP).


  1. Having ridden with a Catholic priest and he was the one driving, these guys tend to overspeed. Please be careful on the road, you guys.


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