Citizens Demand Immediate Reinstatement Of SC John Sangwa

John Sangwa

SC John Sangwa has been an advocate for democracy and a strong defender of the rule of law in Zambia in many government dispensations. He was given status of State Council by his Excellency the Late President of the Democratic republic of Zambia Michael Chilufya Sata.

Today SC John Sangwa has stood to defend the constitution in light questioning the eligibility of his Excellency President Edgar Lungu to stand in the 2021 elections plainly declaring that his is not eligible according to applicable clauses in the constitution. He has also questioned the way the constitutional court handled the whole trial when they changed question of the enquiry to a whole different question is this is not legal practice for any court.

Today notice of revoking SC John Sangwa’s practicing license has circulated and we the people are saying this is undemocratic, illegal and unconstitutional.

We hence forth request that his license be maintained and if the Chief Justice wants to revoke SC John Sangwa’s license let it be brought before the courts for a hearing so that SC John Sangwa is given his constitutional right to defend himself and the people of the republic of Zambia. To all Citizens please sign this petition to make your voices heard.



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