Home Court Concourt Ruling To Overturn Speaker Of National Assembly Good For Democracy

Concourt Ruling To Overturn Speaker Of National Assembly Good For Democracy


By Balewa Zyuulu

Historian Euston Chiputa says the constitutional court’s decision to quash Speaker of the National Assembly’s decision to eject patriotic front members of parliament who appealed to the Supreme Court following nullification of their seats by the high court in various jurisdictions is a testament of the growing democratic space for Zambia.

Yesterday, the Concourt overturned Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti’s decision to eject from the house PF members of parliament whose election victories have been nullified by the high court in various jurisdictions.

The court has ruled that pursuant to Article 73-Sub Article Four of The Constitution, a member of parliament who has appealed against the nullification of his election victory retains the seat pending the determination of the appeal.

Commenting on this development, Dr Chiputa has told Phoenix News that the Concourt decision is a step in the right direction and has shown the existing separation of powers between the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary.

Further, Dr Chiputa says the ruling by the Concourt will help to rebuild people’s confidence in the judiciary.

PF Members of Parliament that were ejected from the National Assembly but with parliamentary petition appeal judgments pending are Joseph Malanji of Kwacha, Bowman Lusambo of Kabushi, Mutotwe Kafwaya of Lunte and Sibongile Mwamba of Kasama Central.

Others Are Luke Simumba Of Nakonde, Allan Banda Of Chimwemwe, Taulo Kabwe Chewe Of Lubansenshi And Kalalwe Mukosa Of Chinsali



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