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CONSIDER ME A JOKE AT YOUR OWN PERIL… I was president for seven years – Edgar Lungu



…says Lungu as he reminds critics he was president for seven years

Lusaka… Monday May 20, 2024 (SMART EAGLES)

Sixth President of Zambia Edgar Chagwa Lungu says his critics that his critics should deliberately cal him a joker at their own peril. H.E Lungu said anyone insisting he is a joke must recall that he diligently served the country for seven years as president.

He added thar before becoming the sixth president, he served as a member of Parliament for Chawama Constituency in Lusaka province.

Speaking during the UKA Special Day of Prayer at Dunamis Church in Lusaka on Sunday, an electrified Lungu said some people are having “verbal diarrhoea” because of him and UKA member despite referring them to as jokers.

“We are 13 political parties in UKA, and we are still growing. Some people think we are jokers. I was Republican President for seven years. How can I be a joker? I came from Chawama in 2011, I made my journey to State House in 2015, so it means I was joking that way, and you don’t think I was able to plan,” he questioned.

“The Bible tells us that be a serpent or as peaceful as a dove. So when you combine that snake and that peacefulness of a dove, I have both of them. I want to make this clear that that’s why they are having verbal diarrhoea when they hear Edgar Lungu.”

He narrated before the fully packed church that he was invited for a church meeting in Kanyama but that this morning, the place was filled with police presence and UPND carders with intent from carders to physically attack him.

“This morning, I was invited for a UCZ church meeting in Kanyama. They wrote to me on 14th February, 2024, and I said Bishop Rodwell Siame, nkesa (I will come). In the morning, when I woke up, I was told that the police had mobilized and they were at Kanyama Police Station. And they filled Kanyama with junkies and UPND carders so that when I go to church and come out, they will beat me up and then the police would come with teargas to restore ‘order and law’ but me being a snake that I am, I am here (at Dunamis) with you,” he added.

“When the time has come, it has come. When the hour has come, you can’t stop it! Those of you who know medicine and biology, there is a time that a child should be born in nine months, but others are born in eight months and half. They are saying 2026. Maybe it’s far.”

Dr. Lungu said it is only God who knows the future.

“Those saying 2026, maybe that is far, only God knows. God knows the leadership of this country. Don’t be fooled that we are jokers. And I want to emphasise that I don’t need anyone’s permission. We should not be afraid of an individual but the power of the people,” he concluded.


  1. That’s the speech I heard, an excellent speech…citing Matthew 10:16 , the figurative narration of ” Wise as a serpent and Harmless as a dove ” by our Lord Jesus Christ as he gave directions to his Disciples for his ministry….
    but Lord or Lord hear the Shiki coming from Praise Thugs, the Rogue Media, and the Tribal zealots…They heard a different speech, and have started diarrheting already… Bwafya!

  2. Just start pouring your money in markets, bus station, churches, and at airports, as you used to do and failed to pay retirees. You ended up developing some of your friends as bonanzas, ATMs, Bull Dozers, Commanders 1.2.3…. And yourself as Kasaka LA ndalama

  3. Just start pouring your money in markets, bus station, churches, and at airports, as you used to do but failed to pay retirees. Meal allowances to students, You ended up developing some of your friends as bonanzas, ATMs, Bull Dozers, Commanders 1.2.3…. And yourself as Kasaka ka ndalama

  4. Bwana you also continue what you are doing at your own peril, those people who are cheating you will all run away and you will go to Mukobeko alone.

  5. It is really shocking to hear such coming from one who served as republican president. Good leaders have the people they want to serve at heart above self. We refuse to see bloodshed in Jesus’ name. It is ungodly and shameful to hear people who want to lead show signs of bitterness. God will surely triumph over evil


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