By Dickson Jere

Since independence, the Zambian Budget used to be presented in January and effectively came into effect in April of each year. This used to cause unnecessary delays in project implementation especially between January to April. This Budget cycle was followed religiously by all successful governments without much thought.

One day, President Rupiah Banda questioned this Budget cycle, which he believed was not making sense. He was told it was constitutional!

“Let’s change the Constitution then…” he retorted.

In earnest, he began the process of Constitution amendments in 2009 but only to deal with the Budget cycle. He called a number of opposition Members of Parliament personally to lobby for this change. They supported the proposed thought as it meant Constituency Development Fund (CDF) would be released on time and January of each year.

When the Bill was presented in Parliament, it had unanimously support across the floor of the House. It passed! That is how the Budget cycle was changed without controversy…

What is my point?

Sometimes, we need just to target Constitution amendment proposals that are not controversial and can be supported by both sides of the divide.

For example, almost every MP wants to go back to be sitting in Councils as way of monitoring developments and CDF. This is position shared by both ruling and opposition MPs. So, why not bring this single amendment now?

It is also agreeable by all that most Constituencies are big and need delimitation. Why not bring this single amendment?

You see, when you have a long list of amendments such as Bill 10, the good proposals will be thrown away together with the bad ones and the country lose. Throwing the baby with the water as they say…

I suggest we start slowly by introducing amendments that are less controversial and consequently improve our grund norm.

Today, the Minister of Finance will present the Budget in September, thank you to that amendment that was supported by all in Parliament. Spending will start in January as opposed to April…



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