By Chanoda Ngwira F

In times of crisis, the call to action often necessitates a tapping into the reservoir of experience and strategic depth that retired Generals possess. While younger ranks like lieutenants and majors exude zeal and vitality, there are moments when the seasoned wisdom and battle-hardened expertise of former military leaders are indispensable. It’s a bitter pill to swallow for many junior officers, but the reality remains that in the crucible of crisis, the reins must be handed over to those who have weathered comparable storms before.

Former President Edgar Lungu emerges as a beacon of hope and guidance amidst the current quagmire under the UPND regime. His tenure and strategic acumen serve as a roadmap back to stability and progress, away from the shackles of a faltering administration. The pressing need for experienced leadership underscores the prevailing exigency for retired Generals to take charge, steering the ship back on course through turbulent waters. In such dire circumstances, allegiance to competence and merit must eclipse pride and rank, heralding a crucial paradigm shift in crisis governance.

As lieutenants, majors, and all personnel grapple with relinquishing control to seasoned hands, the harsh truth remains: the salvation of a nation often hinges on tough decisions and uncomfortable concessions. While the lure of youthful vigor and new ideas is enticing, the weight of responsibility demands the sagacity and strategic finesse that only experienced leaders can offer. In the epoch of uncertainty, the urgent plea for retired Generals to lead the charge is not just a matter of choice but a dire necessity for national resurgence and redemption from the throes of a failed regime.

(Chanoda Ngwira is a Public Administrator, Teacher, writer, former Trade Unionist and Political commentator. For private discourses, email orisonconsult@gmail.com/chanodangwira@yahoo.com)


  1. I stopped reading the article as soon as I came across a suggestion that ECL would fall into the category of retired Generals that would be handy in reasolving our problems.

    It is clear to me that the writer does not appreciate the fact that most of the problems the country is currently facing are as a result of the poor leadership of ECL and PF.

  2. True Zambian, aaaah . You remind me of a Kenyan friend who was. Celebrating that Daniel Toroitich arap Moi has been lost elections in 2002 and Kabika is their saviour for a new dawn as many Zambian hoped after gigantic promises for lost souls. Their hoped started fading at the neck speed just as we are seeing and witnessing in Zambia. HH is the saviour neither the solution to our problems. HH is the problem to our solutions at the moment. Zambians mandated him with their power to preside over their own affairs but , the level of nepotism ,tribalism, corruption, incompetency, lack of leadership, hatred, capturing the very institutions that the people of this country treasure as source of pride and joy, abuse of power , persecution of people from religions that are not aligned with Zambezi religion, the police has become as a tool from oppression, parliament a tool to silence the people’s voices, courts to jail to instil fear and torture, ACC, DEC and DPP institutions of injustice and selective injustice,ECZ is completely captured . They send people to go to Luapula to do voter registration in November 2023 to see how many people will register and observing there were more people than expected , despite chiefs asking for extension they stopped because the all exercise was to measure what the people will respond and use this information by UPND ECZ. Jackie Mwimbu a minister with no heart but full of hatred and his mouth is as dark as a black mamba, regionalism and barbarism . For those Tongas enjoying the current happenings being given positions and opportunities, power to do what ever they wish they will not accept my opinion because power has blinded them to see or hear the truth because the truth pains. The people who are saying what I have written are the people who believed and opposed PF to their injustice but no level of nepotism or tribalism we witnessed in PF to this level. When you are no longer in power we will publish the list of government institutions and who was heading them , you will get surprised and shocked

    • @Pafwenamwine, It is good that you are waiting for the UPND to come out of power before you publish the list of who headed what during their reign.
      In the meantime, since PF is back into opposition, kindly publish the list of government institutions and the people who headed them during the ten-year period that PF ruled Zambia.

  3. Chinoda, what killed your general is caderism, theft, pomposity, and unreasonableness of those that controlled, him. ECL had no real power but was a pawn of the corrupt. The same people that controlled him are waiting in the wings to take control when he succeeds in retaining the seat that the masses pulled from under him and you know what that means, it means back to the dark days

  4. Chanoda ngwira is excluding himself from being a capable leader.
    You can not idolise a person when you are also a great man. Believe himself rather than adore a fellow man

  5. Chanoda’s laughable premise that, “Former President Edgar Lungu emerges as a beacon of hope and guidance amidst the current quagmire under the UPND regime. His tenure and strategic acumen serve as a roadmap back to stability and progress, away from the shackles of a faltering administration,” is an insult to Zambia. This is a useless article!

    • Agony I’d when mediocrity is adored ad great beacon of hope. Could it be level of education or brainwashed minds? We are in trouble precisely because of corruption, cadrerism, debt and yes tribalism! People inherited dollar at 5 and leave it at 24, debt at 2.5b to 18b dollars and that is beacon of hope? Give me a break!!!
      Publish cabinet names of both PF and UPND now! What have we done to deserve this????

    • This co-conspirtor is inciting the Military just like they sought to co-opt the Clergy into a narrative to solicite their support in upsurping the current regime.
      Lungu and his co-conspirtors will stop at nothing to derail the courts from doing their work. A Trumpian attempt at evading Justice. If he is so innocent let him be man enough to face the courts and prove his case.
      Monies are said to have stolen from state coffers. Individuals were found with monies they cant explain where it came from nor was it taxed. Family members now finally state that Edgar Lungu gifted them. In the course of further proof it will be known that his wealth was ill gotten. So let him stop using other people to be his tools. Retired Generals enjoy your quiet peace. Power for powers sake will bring untold misery to Zambians. Look at Sudan. For what? The criminal left and escaped prison and is living in a foreign country. Jay jay was assisted to escape as those that suggested he was no his death bed lied to us. What abduction? When from his own wives’ statements was incoherent and illogical.

  6. The first to orchestrate tribalism to unprecedented level’s was ecl, so it’s wishful thinking to suggest that the man can come back and put the country back on track
    OUR CONSTITUTION GIVES PRESIDENTS SOOO MUCH POWER we need to work on that as Zambians

  7. Keep on dreaming, Edgar Chagwa Lungu is not a general or a reservoir of knowledge and political experience. A drunkard and corrupt person who rose to prominence through chancing can not be described as a general, may be a general in thieving and thuggery.


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