Home Politics PeP Danny Pule, Sean Tembo and Peter Sinkamba expelled from UKA

Danny Pule, Sean Tembo and Peter Sinkamba expelled from UKA



At a Council of Presidents, CoP meeting attended by all UKA CoP Presidents, it was resolved that;

1. UKA member Presidents, senior officials and office bearers are not permitted to join or be members of other political alliances.

The objective of UKA is to have a united front in rescuing this country from maladministration and extreme poverty created by the UPND Government.

We in UKA warmly welcome political parties, the Church, civil society organizations, trade unions, non governmental organizations, student bodies, bus drivers, marketeers and ordinary Zambians to work with us for the future of our Country.

2. A senior colleague and member of the UKA CoP, Apostle Pule of CDP brought it to the attention of the Council that he is one of the founder members and office bearer in Tonse Alliance. Consequently, Apostle Pule cannot continue being a member of UKA.

The core purpose of UKA is to reduce the number of political players so that we have a common strategy and the electorate are not overwhelmed by multiplicity of candidates.

It is therefore wrong for any UKA member to be creating or encouraging multiple political alliances and later on belong to all of them.

3. UKA dissociates itself from President Sean Tembo and President Peter Sinkamba of PeP and Green Party respectively.

Apart from being the promoter of Tonse Alliance President Sean Tembo has been disrespectful and undermining fellow Council members.

4. In order to strengthen the UKA membership, the Council resolved that recruitment of members should be done outside UKA participating political parties in order to enlarge the general membership of the alliance.

UKA reaffirms that we are totally resolved to closely work with PF, ULP, CF, GPZ, NHP, NDC, FDD, NRP and RDC to answer the call of the Zambian people to deliver them from the UPND misrule.

Sakwiba Sikota SC
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


      • Danger “Kumatako” Kumazulo you can’t see because you are a qualified PF/ UKWA bag dunderhead who depends on ZO Social Media platform alone. Nayenda ine pali mailo PF loser iwe!

        • I can not be part of PF criminals BOB TONDOLO I think my parents they can raise from graveyard, the last mistakes I can’t is to support PF criminals who ligalized cadrism, police brutality, gassing, land grabbing, thuggerism, nepotism, favoritism, corruption and tribalism, away from that PF criminals killed nsama nsama, kasongo, Kaunda, matapa, menyani, Lawrence, Mugala, vasper, and mapezi chibulo and many more therefore it pains me to be fielded into this party,no normal person can support Edgar lungu/PF criminals.Those people were not invited and very is nothing were it is saying that we have failed them with immediately effects that is the reason why I said that ZO is confusing me .

    • Mandanda because you are a PF/ UKWA bag fool you can’t see it in the article sir. Secondly because you are a PF/ UKWA bag dunderhead you only depend on ZO Social Media Page alone. Nayenda ine pali mailo!

  1. @Mandanda and Kumazulo you’ve only read upto #2. Check the rest of the article these chaps have been expelled from a dead horse, just imagine?? Meanwhile the pfidiots have threatened to remove ba boss abakasaka from this same corpse of a horse, let’s wait and see!!!!

  2. As far as Zambians are concerned, non of the people in todays opposition are are real leaders. They are all in it for the opportunity to deep their fingers into the treasury.
    That known field Worker ( UUBOMBA MWIBALA) has a bone to chew with HH and civil servants not supporting his bid to come back to the ‘FIELD.’. AKESA MIKANDA ICIPESHA AMANO KABILI MUKALAPILA!
    Filya batila akabwelela inuma kalalya tebufi iyo. Batila umukalamba apusa ilibwe, tapusa kebo iyo.

    • I truly support you. This guys have tested before and all the monies that they have came from the treasury. And deeping their fingers in the national treasury is their habit. Nimpupu, ba sakala nyongo smart lopolo.
      That’s why they hate HH so much, because they know that he has discovered their way of life, STEALING

  3. The methodical way in which UKA is currently cleaning itself up is encouraging because it so far shows the resolve for discipline, Now as they go forward, the issue of registration must be paramount because as it is, only political party presidents can join the organization because it shields away individuals from directly joining the organization, so far it seems individuals can only join by way of joining existing parties that are part of UKA, this in itself is derailing the influx of persons that may want to join the organization. To this stage I think the resolve by UKA is becoming clearer but let them register so that UPND can have a formidable opposition party that they can listen to, currently there is non.

  4. UKA would have been a vibrant opposition front without old dead wood!
    Greed and selfish ambition will kill UKA!
    All this confusion is giving undue advantage to Mr Lacuna!


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