Home Politics PF DEC  has released on bond Esther Lungu, Chiyeso and Charles Phiri after...

DEC  has released on bond Esther Lungu, Chiyeso and Charles Phiri after arresting them this afternoon


The Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), has jointly and severally charged and formerly arrested Esther Nyawa Tembo Lungu, female aged 66 of Lusaka’s Lilayi area, the wife to former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Chiyeso Lungu Katete, female aged 33 of Lusaka’s Kawama area, and Charles Phiri, male aged 67 of Kafue’s Liyayi area.

DEC Public Relations Officer Allan Tamba says
Esther Lungu has been arrested for Possession of Property Reasonably suspected to be Proceeds of Crime, Contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the laws of Zambia.

Tamba said particulars of the case are that Esther Lungu, jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2023, at Lusaka, in the Lusaka District of the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia, did possess real estate properties namely; 15 white double storey Flats situated at Property No. CHONG_ 9334/1 to 4 in State Lodge area of Chongwe District, the same, reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime whose calculated estimated cost of construction was ZMW41, 586,110.66.

He said the subject property was interpolated to ZMW24, 256,434.55 and the suspect has failed to give a reasonable explanation of how she acquired the same.

Tamba said Chiyeso and Phiri have been arrested for Possession of properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime Contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia.

He said particulars of the matter are that Charles Phiri, jointly and whilst acting together with Chiyeso Lungu Katete and other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2023 at Lusaka, in the Lusaka District of the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia, did possess real estate properties namely; a three (03) Storey Lodge Called “The Crest Lodge” on property No. LUS/38478 off Twin Palm Road in Ibex Hill, Lusaka, whose estimated cost of construction as of November 2022 was ZMW15, 549,422.22 and was interpolated to ZMW 9, 069,699.87.

Tamba said Chiyeso has been charged with Possession of properties reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime, Contrary to Section 71 of the Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime Act of the Laws of Zambia.

He said particulars of the offence are that Chiyeso, jointly and whilst acting together with other persons unknown, on dates unknown but between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2023, at Lusaka, in the Lusaka District of the Lusaka Province of the Republic of Zambia, did possess real estate properties namely; Three (3) Flats on Property No. L/9390/M and/or LUSAK/LN_79093/1 in State Lodge, Lusaka District, whose estimated cost of construction as of November 2022 was ZMW2, 426,007.53 and was interpolated to ZMW2, 695,895.28.

Tamba said she was arrested for possession of 1 High-Cost house, 4 Chicken Runs, and associated external works on Property No. L/9390/M in State Lodge, Lusaka whose estimated cost of construction as of November 2022 was ZMW7, 863,688.14 and was interpolated to ZMW6, 679,543.34.

He said Tasila Lungu, also facing separate but related charges, is allegedly on Maternity leave, and her Lawyers have been advised to inform their client to report at the DEC on Monday, 3rd June, 2024 to answer to the charges.


  1. The truth is when the anointing of God is out of someone he or she remains bitter and God doesn’t look back.

    Read 1 Samuel 28:1- 24
    In verse 15 – 19 you will fully understand why ECL and his people are behaving the way they are.
    so far ba ECL and his team are chasing the wind thinking he can catch up HH going to an extent of invoking the spirit of the dead ( Ba Sata MHRP), you just loo k at the man ECL works of late you will be suprised like Soul chasing David.

  2. How many times are they going to be arrested. I think the next president should open investigations in the sale of parastatal companies during Chiluba’s rule so that the billions of Kwacha that were stolen by those involved in the privatization can be recovered. Zambia lost a lot of money because those entrusted to privatize the companies connived with foreigners to sell the companies cheaply, and the members of thevprivatization committee benefited a lot of kick backs! Hence they are millionaires today. And boast of being best business men and women! Stolen money! People who equally thieves should pretend to be clean, and busy accusing other of being thieves. God doesn’t like that! Aka kanda Lesa!

    • Don’t talk about the next president to investigate past cases but rather you go to relevant offices to report such cases if you’ve evidence. This is lopsided thinking. What is going on in our country with some pipo being investigated is the right thing. There should be no sacred cows.

    • You think if HH had committed a crime, your faza would have spared him?
      How many times is HH going to clarify this matter? The problem is when he is explaining, you run to the toilet

  3. Lock them up and throw away the keys.
    This family is a den of thieves that have raped Zambian people over and over.

  4. @ Mukuka, if you’re in Lusaka, go to the Department of Agricultural Engineering, UNZA & ask if the name of Mr. Bernard Jacobi rings a bell to them. I helped him organize some tractor cut-aways for training purposes in the Netherlands 1997/98. During that period I met with a Mr. Walker of National Research Institute under Greenwich University in London when we took a study tour in the U K. I put it to you that these two squarely blamed the then President late Dr. FTJ in the manner in which the restructuring & privatization programs were carried out. Privatizing more than 200 companies in less than 2 years was just too much. People died, mind. You wish to know that f.i. British Airways started restructuring way in 1980s & the process is ongoing after suspension due to Covid pandemic. Don’t be cheated that an individual or committee can sale government properties. We had Zambia Privatization Agency that did a good job. I had a Personnel Officer, a tribal cousin @ ZPA. Grand Thornton was mentioned as the consultant institution on privatization.

  5. It is a golden chance for the Lungu family to prove that the resources were legitimately obtained, including the USS400, 000 Mrs. Lungu entrusted to a niece for “safekeeping”.

    A lot of politically exposed persons became stinking rich during Mr. Lungu’s reign. They all need to be followed up.


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