My dear brothers and sisters, country men and women, greetings from inside Twin Palm police station cells!

Its over 30 years since the re-introduction of a multiparty political dispensation in Zambia. And throughout this period, we have been inside police and prison cells countless times because of taking a principled stance, fighting for justice and for upholding the truth.

We are not strangers to situations like the one we find ourselves in today. A greater part of our lives has been lived exactly this way. Virtually in all successive governments, we have had to sacrifice our freedom to speak the truth to power and for our people regardless of threats on our lives and resultant aftermaths. We have never been scared to be in prison or incarcerated at any point in our revolutionary journey. We have come a very long way to be bullied into submission by those with power. Our duty has always been to the country and its people.

Therefore, what Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his tandem of tribal crooks is doing by bringing us back here-inside police cells-is not something that can shake us nor our resolve to ensure that this country is free, is rid of corruption, ethnic bigotry and is taken to a place where we can proudly say it is being governed well. So, we want to remind Mr Hichilema, just in case he has forgotten or overlooked our background that aiming to silence us when we point out unrestrained corruption, embezzlement and primitive accumulation of wealth inside his cabal of thieves is not going to work. Mr Hichilema and his corrupt league will never break us. Bacepa sana!

Like the great revolutionary and global icon, Comrade Che Guevara said before his execution: “Shoot, you coward! You are only going to kill a man”. Therefore, our message to Mr Hichilema and those abusing power is that you may put us in prison as many times as you want; dehumanize, brutalize and humiliate us in all sorts of ways, but you won’t imprison or kill the ideas because these ideas are spreading like wildfire amongst our people across the country. So, imprisoning or killing a man does not kill the ideas. Ideas always have a way of reaching the targeted audience.

A third day in police cells mean nothing to one devoted to risk his own skin for the greater good of humanity. That is why for us, the Zambian people will always come first. Aleya!

Aluta continua!

Mayibuye Afrika!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


    • In exposing President Hichilema, please donot resort to telling lies. We would love you to expose any underhand dealings as long as it is done in good faith not with malice.

      During the gold scandal, you made a statement that a State House official had run away with USD500,000 which turned out to be a lie. We don’t want sensational statements we want facts.

      Unfortunately, Dr. M’membe, you don’t make sense anymore.

  1. It is now common knowledge that the entire regime is corrupt. Even the ACC is corrupt, though they say they are investigating cabinet ministers. And the tribalist conman will not make public his assets.

    We need to make drastic changes.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. We need proof of these claims,even the so called dollars from DRC pliz do prove it,than jst saying on social media. Never the less all politians re the same,even you it’s jst power you want.

  3. Mr. Mmembe is conveniently twisting facts. The reason he is in police cells has nothing to do with politics and President HH.

    To the best of my knowledge, he has been charged with a criminal offence and not a political offence.

  4. How is Mmembe able to make these posts? Is he not incarsarated? If he jailed, how does he have access to social media?

    Mmembe must stop these childish threats. Keep exposing Government but they have to be factual. And the reason he is in jail is so that he has his day and explain under oath that he made those statements. How he knows and prove for a fact that such a thing occured.

  5. What corruption have you exposed?
    There was a time when you had good journalists in your Post Newspaper. It is clear now that they did all the work and you got the credit. When your Post Newspaper called Chiluba a thief, you produced evidence which all Zambians could not refute. But, those journalists you abused and failed to remunerate are gone. You are all alone barking like galu wa chiwewe about corruption without a single shred of evidence produced.


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