Home Politics PF Dick Is A Victim Of UPND’s Targeted Arrests – Greyford Monde

Dick Is A Victim Of UPND’s Targeted Arrests – Greyford Monde

Auditor General Dick Sichembe


…says you won’t like the Auditor General if you have a compromised Government

Lusaka, Saturday, March 11, 2023 ( Smart Eagles )

The Auditor General is the man you will not like if you have a compromised Government, Patriotic Front Presidential Candidate Greyford Monde has said.

Hon Monde said this in relation to the Arrest of the Auditor General Dick Sichembe.

He said Dr Sichembe might be a victim of targeted arrests that has characterised the UPND Government stay in power.

Hon Monde said in the manner the current Government has compromised a lot of processes with the single sourcing of fertilizer supplier being one of them, Dr Sichembe is someone they would not want.

He said this is because Dr Sichembe has a history of having a clean record and not one that is likely to be influenced.

Hon Monde added that in as much as he hates corruption, he does not rule out a hidden agenda on the matter.

“This Government has compromised the entire system. They are single sourcing. The police is in their hands, and at any given point they can pounce on those who are firm,” he said.

He was speaking when he featured on Millennium TV’s Pulse Nation programme yesterday.

“If you show that you don’t compromise, they will target you. I do not support corruption, I think that we need to get to a point where anyone standing in any corner must be able to clearly that real corruption is being fought and not targeted at individuals,” he said.

“The manner this Government has presented itself in fighting all of those that have opposed them or stand strong in their positions



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