Home Politics PF Dickson Jere calls out hypocrisy among Zambians, says Maureen was deserted

Dickson Jere calls out hypocrisy among Zambians, says Maureen was deserted


Jere calls out hypocrisy among Zambians, says Maureen was deserted

LAWYER Dickson Jere says Zambians are pretenders who love to eulogize people in their death unlike appreciating them while they are still alive.

Jere advised Zambian’s to be at the service of colleagues who are on a rocky road unlike praising them when they are departed yet they are neglected in difficult times.

The journalist-cum-lawyer was speaking during the valedictory service of the late former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa who died on August 13, and was buried at Leopards Hill memorial park yesterday.

Jere eulogized the late Maureen as an overachiever who was big-hearted.

The lawyer however expressed disappointment that the former first lady was deserted by her colleagues in her trying time.

He thanked the President for stepping in to offer her support.

“During the period when she had a number of issues many had abandoned her, we thank the President of Zambia Mr Hakainde Hichilema that he was there for her. He provided her with the comfort that she needed during difficult times,” Jere said.

He said prior to her passing the former First Lady always made a comment about her death and wished her funeral should be held at the retirement house posthumously built for her late husband levy Patrick Mwanawasa in Silverest, Chongwe, by government.

“In her last few months she talked about death continuously and one of the things she really really talked about was her funeral. She always wanted her funeral to be held in Silverest. But that didn’t happen she is no more,” he said.

Jere admonished Zambians for being two-faced and only wanting to show love and care for the departed.

“Zambia is a country of hypocrites, we are speaking lovingly about this woman (Maureen) where were we when she was going through all this?,” he wondered.

“As soon as she died I remembered the famous speech of a South African politician Julius Malema, during the death of the late Winnie Mandela who said mama! they are here!. And I say, mama! they are here!”.

Jere emphasized the need to stand by colleagues when they are going through trouble.

“We shouldn’t write nice, lovely speeches and raising money for the funeral, we should be there for colleagues when they are going through difficulties. If all of us really were there for her she wouldn’t….”

He called to mind how Maureen pleaded with him not to turn his back on her like many did when she was going through a difficult time.

“I will personally be there because I promised her I would be there. I remember some three weeks ago I had received a writ of summons and I didn’t have instructions to receive the writ of summons. When I communicated with her(Maureen) she said counsel, I hope you are not abandoning me coz everyone is abandoning me zapaka milandu. But again such is life. Attorney general (Kabesha) thank you for opening your door,” said Jere.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba August 20, 2024.


  1. Mr Jere, the Lusaka University case on the “Presidential benefits house” didnt help a perception.
    Would you in all honest blame them? Lets remember there is privacy and what is reported. Sometimes the two make empathy difficult. And please dont me wrong. I grieve with the family at this time of their loss and knew not of her illness.
    Sometime we judge based on the little we know…just saying….

  2. Deserted by who? Maureen Mwanawasa was living the life of a former first lady. She was not an elected official or a holder of office in a political party. She was a private citizen leading a quiet private life. She had her own circle of close friends. What were Zambians supposed to do for her? They were already paying her living expenses.

  3. We concur with Gunner. Who owed her a living? She was a former first lady unless Dickson Jere can tell us that her benefits were not being paid. We fend for ourselves quietly, who cares about our private lives? This life style which people want beyond their means!

  4. The Zambian pie is very small to be dishing out money the country doesn’t have to politicians. She was a lawyer, a former first lady who also had a lot of business interests which should have seen her lead a decent life without burdening boma. We should stop this and move away from this dependence syndrome of catering for people who are capable of looking after themselves. There’s no such a contract with the government. And no one should try to armtwist the government into such a direction.

  5. When human beings get possessed by possessions, they lose their human hearts and become ravenous wolves!
    We live in a time when the love of many has waxed cold!
    When you get in trouble today, the ones who are likely to help you are not your relatives, workmates or church mates, but strangers!
    Your so called friends will be happy to backbite you to the point of even wishing you were dead!
    Naba sapula, nabachula, fyaku ifwaila, we don’t owe him/her a living, etc.
    What makes it painful is that such who speak like this are staunch church goers! They never miss church and strive to show they are good religious people! When they are in the mood to give, the whole world must come with Cameras to witness their giving of Alms. And when someone’s fortunes turnaround for the better, they will be telling everyone that if it wasn’t for their “generosity,” someone would have perished!
    Unfortunately, this is how our sinful nature operates when we walk in the flesh and not the spirit!
    Our Messiah called it “the Yeast of the Pharisees or Hypocrisy.” Highly religious people but living the life of devils!
    The Sermon on the mount in Matthew 5 is what life is all about!
    Naked we came and naked we will go!
    I was hungry and you gave me bread.
    I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you visited me!
    These are the true Saints some of whom are not regular church goers!
    They are the best friends to keep!
    Some are Lawyers who will come to your rescue without demanding to be paid anything! Some are doctors who will treat you when you don’t have any means to pay.
    These are not Money Slaves, not that they don’t own businesses, but they built systems they are using to serve fellow man. These are the Salt of the earth but they are too few!
    And because we live in difficult times described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, we should not be surprised if we are surrounded by Hypocritical individuals! We should not be too expectant of good to come from people who are not good, or we’ll ALWAYS get heartache and disappointment!
    This is the reason why our wise African Ancestors built a strong extended family network of social support which the colonizer dismantled!
    Some of us are hardcore Africans! We don’t live or pretend to live the lifestyle of exotic persons!
    We live on farms where we have build strong communities! No one gets left behind! We have built houses for every child and farm workers. No one lacks anything because we have chosen to be a productive community!
    It’s a sweet existence where you know everyone looks out for the other and everyone knows each other! You never suffer alone in such a good set up!
    You soon realize that your greatest source of happiness is not from the abundance of possessions but from good relationships with fellow human beings! It’s good we have studies that have been done to prove this fact!
    Help one another without expecting anything in return!
    This is a mark of Spiritual maturity!
    Beware of the Yeast of the Pharisees which is Hypocrisy!


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