DID you know that the late Princess Nakatindi Wina would physically fight other women in order to secure her marriage with Sikota Wina?

DID you know that the late Princess Nakatindi Wina would physically fight other women in order to secure her marriage with Sikota Wina?

Fun Fact

DID you know that the late Princess Nakatindi Wina would physically fight other women in order to secure her marriage with Sikota Wina?

(Sikota Wina was highly sought after by women from all races)

For details, follow the excerpt below from (Conversations with Memorable Personalities)

Amos Malupenga:

How did Dr. [Kenneth] Kaunda take your marriage with Honourable Wina?

Princess Nakatindi Wina:

He was very happy. Dr. Kaunda is my father. He advised Sikota that, ‘look Sikota, you are now settled’ meaning that you are married to a Princess, an African like you. I mean Kaunda was not a racist but in all fairness, he wouldn’t have liked Sikota to marry a white woman or a negro. So he was happy that Sikota married me, the daughter to Kaunda’s workmate, the late chieftainess Nakatindi.

And it was really a hard battle to get Sikota because Sikota was highly sought after on the market. He was highly demanded by women – coloured, white, black, Indians. [Mr Wina, who was listening in into the interview about two metres away, just smiled as Nakatindi said this].

And when I came back from England, I really scattered them [women] all. I really fought for my marriage. If it were now Sikota could have died of AIDS but then there was no AIDS and I thank God he is alive and I look after him very well.

And we keep testing each other not that we don’t trust each other but you never know with human beings. But I am very happy with him and I have settled down, anyway.

From the UNIP cowboy, which they used to call him, other people misconstrued that when he was UNIP cowboy he could just play around with women like that. But I tell him that ‘you are now a cowman. You have grown so stop being a cowboy’.

And he enjoys it being cowman with grandchildren. You should put that in, I like it.

Amos Malupenga:

But just how did you manage to scamper these women from Honourable Sikota Wina because I heard that despite the fact that women were very much after him, he was also in that business – a playboy, so to say?

Princess Nakatindi:

Oh, I had to use a tough road. I was very tough. I used to beat a lot of women. I was a physical fighter. I could grab a girl here and there and they used to fear. And I used to fight with Sikota; physically I could fight with him.

So he realised that this is not the type of woman to play with. I told him that if you continue moving around with these funny girls, I might maim you for good. I might even damage your eye.

He is also a human being and realised that this is not the type of woman to play with. But he loved me actually. And when we started having children I think he realised, it was no more time to play cowboy tactics.

Amos Malupenga:

My next question will be for you to explain how you have managed to be so close to each other. From the time I knew you some years back I think I have never seen you apart save for the period you were incarcerated on that trumped-up treason charge. And I was going to ask: just what makes the two of you inseparable, does that cowboy background contribute or it is just something you have learnt to do?

Princess Nakatindi:

We come from the same background, more or less. But this has nothing to do with being jealousy anymore. I used to be very jealousy. Now we have begun to understand each other.

Sikota is my best friend. I have no female friend. I have a lot of acquaintances, female ones, having something in common with them. The only place I don’t take him to is the kitchen party. But any other place we go together. We go hunting together if he wants to go bird hunting, we go picnicking together, we go dancing together, we go mourning together, we go to church together.

We are not very serious churchgoers but sometimes we go to church. Sikota has become my friend. We have become so inseparable that each one of us needs the other. We cannot do without one another.

Our mannerisms and habits are the same, we come from the same background – Sikota’s father was my grandfather’s prime minister. When my grandfather was King, Sikota’s father was a prime minister.
And he realises that as a Prince Consort, he has to be next to me, not that it is mandatory but there are times when he thinks we have to be together.

And one good thing about Sikota is that he is not a miser. He doesn’t even like money. When I was in jail, he was in trouble because he didn’t know what five kwacha looked like. So he learnt how to count money when I was in jail. This is the type of husband I have. I am really lucky, actually. He has grown to be so nice. He is not the type that would hide his salary from me or use it on other extra things, no.

He would come and say here it is, let us budget. So I would say Sikota and I are one. Even when I go for hair dressing and I overstay, you will see that Sikota will follow me with the driver and say ‘are you still doing your hair dressing or what?’ I would just say ‘join me if you also want your hair to be done’. And even the hairdresser would ask that what type of a man is this?

If he is not with me then he is reading. He is a great reader. At one time I told him either you marry your books or me because sometimes you could be talking to him and he would just be saying yes, yes. And I told him those are bad manners. So he is really a bookworm, he reads a lot. If you visit my toilet, you will find that there is a library in the toilet.

An excerpt from

(Conversations with Memorable Personalities)

Pictures Below:

On the, left the Winas. On the, right the Winas on their wedding day



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