Difference Between Political Relevance And Political Being

Medson Manasseh Mugala NDC National Youth Chairman

For Immediate Release


Copperbelt 4th June 2021

The best example in my analysis is Dr Chishimba Kambwili when he featured at a radio station in mkushi last night.The issues he was shamelessly uttering were a complete definition of the last kicks of a dying horse. Who doesn’t know in this country that CK is politically impotent despite his fake fainting gimmicks?

If I never knew the strength of CK stretching a point when speaking, I would say he was a born again Christian. Did you observe him when talking that his face continuously pointed downwards? Would you believe those were signs of cowardice? Knowing the vulgar CK, if he was truthful enough, he can’t and can never demean President Hakahinde Hichilema and worse still utter tribal remarks. Bamudala is a green snake in green grass.

Today he is busy going personal in terms of tribe yet he kept visiting our founding father Kenneth Kaunda who totally promoted One Zambia one Nation. Does it mean he never did the right thing?. Then where is his concious?
Is Southen province and tonga speaking a threat to CK and his cohorts? Could this be true about CK that he is an apologist pretender?

KAMBWILI apologetic stunts:-
-He insulted chiefs or rather tongas and later went to apologise in southern province
– He insulted President Lungu several times and later said he was sorry and that he was simply politiking
– He insulted Mr Valden Findlay and later apologized
– Insulted Mrs Atanga and Mr Akafumba lead team who actually assisted him when he was completely found himself in total mess as his mouth is his worst enemy, and later apologized and called them mother and elder brother respectively.

As we speak, he owes many Zambians who believed in him as equal to NDC and vice versa (NDC is CK and CK is NDC) But later ditched NDC and went back to his own vomit PF which he consistently vowed never to rejoin.
So if one said CK has been directed and working under a political spell, would they be lying?

As things stand, Dr Kambwili’s Relevance in politics has lost even it’s last drop hope which was left in him. This is so because what he hoped for in his return into PF has been completely shadowed. With sympathy in my statement, I still forsee my elder brothers nose smelling the gates of Kamfinsa anytime soon because he swims in alot of cases as his mouth and evil doings landed him into. Sorry big bro, How I wish you could tone down and re-seek the Lord’s face in truth.
Maybe there is a certain coalition of your inner belief???

As a youth, a brother, and a fellow Zambian I wish CK well as he needs to differentiate between his political Relevance against his political Being.
If his political Being was genuine, today he wouldn’t be where he is. Am sure many readers of this article today would wonder why I have pondered much on CK. The reason is very simple. He is the best example of the Zambian politicians who doesn’t mean what they say and as such makes the current and next generation lose hope and trust in real politics.

I want to urge Zambians across that let’s stand firm and promote the ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION slogan because that’s the unification of our true being.

Politics of tribe are easily connected to evil, hate and lastly killing of one another. Let’s promote peace and love.

God bless mother Zambia.

Medson Manasseh Mugala
National Youth Chairman.



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