Don’t argue with them. Just tell them Bally will fix it


Don’t argue with them.
Just tell them
Bally will fix it

Even if economy baonaula
Bally will fix it
$1 million fire truck yabeuka
Bally will fix it
Even if corruption ni tapu tapu
Bally will fix it

Ubulofya all over
Bally will fix it
Failing agriculture
Bally will fix it
Nangu they cancel student meal allowance
Bally will fix it
They bribe utuma councillors to resign
Bally will fix it

PF thug behavior
Bally will fix it
Massive load shedding
Bally will it
When they try to divide us on regional and tribal basis
Bally will fix it
More taxes and no money in our pockets
Bally will fix it

Systematic destruction of institutions of governance
Bally will fix it
Ati Bally can’t win
Bally will fix it

Unsustainable levels of debt
Bally will fix it
High cost of living
Bally will fix it
Iyo UPND is a social media party
Bally will fix it.



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