PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has told Catholic Bishops to correct Government in a civil way instead of running to newspapers and social media when the Government makes mistakes.

Officiating at the Association of Zambia Diocesan Catholic Clergy conference in Kabwe yesterday, President Hichilema stated that his Government has no problem with being corrected when it makes mistakes as it is the right thing to do.

“When we make mistakes, correct us because it’s the right thing to do but don’t correct us by shouting at us in the newspapers and on social media. Interact with the nearest public sector worker close to you, pass the message,” he reiterated.

The Head of State went on to reveal that his Government has never been against the Catholic Church, contrary to what has been portrayed in the media.

He shared that most of his cabinet ministers are actually devoted Catholics whom he rightfully appointed.

“Catholics should help us in meeting the needs of the people. We value this role which the church plays. Partner with us, we are not competitors, we serve the same community.
This President’s cabinet, majority of them are Catholics. This man, Minister of Home Affairs, this man, Minister of Technology and Science, another man who is not here, Minister of Defence, they are all ex Mukasa seminary so we call them in our cabinet.”

“Secretary to the cabinet, Kangwa is Catholic Deputy Secretary to the cabinet economics, Siyakalenge is Catholic, Deputy Secretary to the cabinet administration Oliver is a Catholic. How can there be a message that the UPND Government is against the Catholic Church?
So you think I wasn’t aware that they are Catholic? This thing of the UPND being against Catholic is an imagination. I’m Adventist myself, I have nothing against the Catholic Church. I read a lot, I check social media I hear what people say all our churches are cherished,” said President Hichilema.

He further assured the church that his government will deal with any form of unruly cadreism, irrespective of one’s political affiliation.

He called on the Catholic Church to utilise the Constituency Development Fund (CDF ) to improve the livelihoods of the people.



  1. Now he is calling the Catholic bishops uncivilised.

    Why does he like confrontation?

    The problem is that Hakainde does not listen to advice. That is why we have resorted to unconventional tactics.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • That is why I say you behave like a deranged man. Where in his well articulated speech did he say they are uncivilized I??? That is just a fiction of your rickety mind!!!! Were you one of those low down panga wielding cadres during our dark evil days???? Your bitterness says so.

  2. If this man had mature, intelligent wisdom advisors, he wouldn’t even confront the Catholic in the manner he did in Kabwe, past presidents when they had issues with the Church especially the Catholic, they used to use those who are Catholics as proxy to make connections with the Church to gather information and make connections with the Catholic community to help heal the problem or misunderstandings. KK , Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Ruphia Bwenzani, Sata, Lungu have their own issues but resolved in a manner which showed maturity.
    HH handlers are really something else , this is an honest free advice, from super KK to Lungu no one has fought the Catholic Church and survived their presidency. Catholic has the mightiest influence, intelligence, power, massive followers with much influence in areas where the UPND has little or no influence at all. Wait when the election campaigns start and see who will be begging the Catholic Church and its followers.
    The church will only preach on Sunday and the impact will be greater than campaigning for three or fiver years. HH please humble yourself before the Catholic, it’s very easy to feel that since the institutions like ECZ, Zambia police, ZAF, Judiciary, ZNS, Zambia Army ,parliament,DPP, ACC, DEC and attorney general are captured , the path to another term is sealed this is far fetched as there are a number of people who may pretend are with the scheme but are getting the database and keeping till when they are free to share information.
    HH must realise he needs advisors from different parties if the country and one religion as they are not able to give him different ideas, advice or guidance. All these surrogacy have similar mentality, feelings, thoughts and unseen fears of if you humble yourself you are weak which is the opposite. Vernon Mwanga, has broad knowledge and experience why not consult him if you don’t trust people like Archbishop Mpundu who defended and spoke your behalf risking his well being, from PF . You recall him being accused by PF being your sympathiser, they called him Names, insults and threats against him were made even prof Nkandu Luo, made most shocking comments which of all the people Mumbi Phiri warned fighting the Catholic will cost us elections. This has come to pass.

    • Sir he never went to fight them. He is the President of Zambia and they are citizens. He does not need to fear them like you do and the former presidents did. He is edifferent. Like any educated man who dealt with complex issues in the tough corporate world. He decided direct civil discourse is the best and I agree. If you and the bishops think they can behave like small presidents forget it. If they got brown envelopes from the former presidents to shut up. No baba this one means business. No pleading. They have to toll the proverbial line buddy.

  3. The President is spot on.His government has got no problem with the Catholic church truly and the fact is that some of his officials and members of the party and sympathizers are Catholics.The Catholic in Zambia has been a partner in the area of education particularly and the President knows that too well.And the President is the number one promoter of education.I think some of the clergies in catholic are the ones who were trying to be partisan and were demonizing the government efforts.They started by talking about price of mealiemeal.It is a well known fact that maize production in this country is expensive.The cost centers in maize production are more and costly.The price can not be at the price which some people are suggesting HH promised that he would reduce the price of maize meal at the time he was in opposition but he didn’t know that the rains would be so less and this affected the production.In economics it is known that any thing that is scarce and has demand and attracts a huge cost.The president encouraged people in the country to grow more maize and people did just that and unfortunately there came drought and this affected the production.He failed to reduce the price.The supply and demand aspect played it’s role and some people and some clergies in catholic started blaming the president and his government even making some drama in the middle of the church gathering.This disturbed the church and government relationship that was so fantastic initially.And the president has been more than ready to meet the church and engage each other amicably.You know engaging each other using social media may not be healthy because even people with hidden agenda start participating and contribute negatively to spoil the progressive engangements.Government officials especially those assigned to perform certain juties must be swift and timely attend to the calls of the people and the churches to stimulate the quick movement of information to satisfy the people.The church,the people and government need each other dearly.God bless the church and may God bless the President and government and it’s people.Amen

  4. How does a servant talk to his master’s like this?
    The people will show you who is boss!
    If you can’t put on a thick Crocodile Skin to take criticism, please give chance to other real leaders who will hear the people’s concerns!
    The biggest problem with UPND is UBUFI and HYPOCRISY!
    They are busy doing the very corrupt things they condemned PF about!
    But Zambians are very alert and they won’t stop talking!
    The same bad Laws you are using to suppress the masses will be used against you soon! Don’t complain when that time comes!

  5. Give the Catholic Church space to attend to their ministry. The ministry of faith , of Our lord and savior, which is their great mission. The diocesan meeting is more like a retreat for the Bishops and priests to reflect on the past, and plan the future and Mission of Christ. But Hakainde with his warped thinking takes politics there. What kind of desperation is this?
    You can attend the Ordinations, Church celebrations, but honestly a retreat is definitely out of bounds. And the message?, criticize me in secret! Criticism of Hakainde by the Catholic Church is Top Secret.
    He muzzled the Pastoral letter recently. Now he wants to shut the voices of all Catholic priests in Zambia. Hakainde is a danger to the Church freedoms…and to Zambia as a whole. What governance does he want in Zambia? Where he controls everything?? And where everyone sings praises to him? This school is from the Bokassa and Mobutu Dictatorship days. Not for a democratic Zambia. Give the Catholic Church space to carry out their mission.


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