Edgar Lungu


Authored By Mupishi Jones

If ECL had completely retired from engaging in active partisan politics soon after handing over power to his successor, would he have been going through what he’s complaining about today? If he had chosen to lead the life of the neutral “father of the nation”, providing objective and rational political guidance to all political contenders, would he be insulted the way he is being insulted today?
If he had chosen to join a club of other former heads of state, wouldn’t he have found peace of mind in that?

If he had chosen to be quietly engaging his successor on both public and private issues of mutual interest in the most honest way,would his family members be subjected to what they are complaining about today?

ECL’s hope lies in the assumption that President Hakainde Hichilema looses power in 2026,suppose it doesn’t happen that way? Does he ever think of what would become of himself,his wife and his children? Would they survive another bout of 5 years fighting the government? Would ECL still have the energy to continue being at daggers draw with the sitting President?

We have family members of our past Presidents who are leaving and working peacefully,why? because their fathers choose a quiet life after retirement for the sake of their children.

Now the political confrontational route Mr Lungu has chosen against the sitting President will definitely tickle a lot of catastrophies for his family members and friends.

This is the only first-family in Zambia where all of the children including the wife of the former President had a quantum leap from an average life to millionaires just within the space of their fathers tenure in office as the Republican President.

We never saw such sudden accumulation of wealth by Dr Kaunda’s children and wife,we never saw this during FTJ’s tenure,nor Mwanawasa’s.We never had RB’s children and wife emerging from nowhere to millionaires the way we have seen Tasila,Dalitso,Chiyesu and Esther, the first lady herself becoming millionaires in a short space of time.All these have suddenly become millionaires within the space of their fathers presidency, what type of work were they all doing profitably?

Well, they might claim that their wealth was given to them by their father and husband, where was their father getting all that money? We are talking about millions of kwachas here, can their father provide convincing evidence of the source of all these millions purportedly distributed to his family members?

ECL should have realised that by being politically confrontational to the sitting President, the battle would not only end at politics but would go beyond that! ECL knows that power politics can turn to be urgly sometimes.
Much as ECL is exercising his constitutional rights, but sometimes it is important to apply unwritten rules, rules of emotional intelligence to create peace for yourself and your family.

This political route he is taking will not create peace for his family members and friends.
ECL should know that if there’s a time when a politician becomes dangerous, it’s when you threaten his hold on to power.ECL himself did all those brutal things against his political opponents when he realised that his continued holding on to power was being threatened. The only difference with him is that he’s a former Republican President trying to unseat the current President.

As long as he pursues this political route, his family will never enjoy their wealth and they’ll never be at peace with the law.The choice is with Mr Lungu and no one else,
I submit

Mupishi Jones


  1. Take note that the persecution of the 6th President Edgar Lungu and his family started way back before he entered public politics.. When the police wanted to grind down the gate at his house, ECL wasn’t in active politics… When Police were pursuing Tasila for having some bank of sorts or fish ponds, when his wife was detained at some police station ,and locked up in cells till middle of the night , when ECL was denied permission to go for treatment , to attend a former Leaders Conference in South Korea, the man was not in active politics…Let us be sincere and truthful.
    ECL was in retirement…he decided to come back to protect his family….and the PF which the Mingalatoon is resolved to wipe out of the face of the earth to an extent of abuse of state institutions and machinery to conduct a heist of a political party of more than 50 MPs and over 100 Councillors…It’s this which now has led to complete lawlessness in the country…It’s because of the Mingalatoon, and by the Mingalatoon that the country is in such a governance mess..and may some one tell him in his face..that Mr Mingalatoon you are totally responsible!

  2. Ba Jones, the issue is not whether Mr. Lungu is in politics or not. It is the damage that he wreaked on our country. If he was involved in grand corruption (uubomba mwibala alya mwibala) he should be made to account, whether he keeps a low profile or not.

    Why do we allow our so called leaders to get away with grand theft? Mr. Chiluba was let off by RB and RB in turn was let off by Mr. Lungu precisely because he intended to go the same corrupt route.

    Let us hold our leaders to account until they stop thieving. This applies to the current leadership as well.


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