Mark simuwe

By Mark Simuuwe

As in a joking mood , ECL goes to address congregants in Kanyama today and describes himself as a snake , then claims that HH would not reach 2026 .

He then goes and misquotes the Bible on the contextual meaning of the snake ; he describes himself as a snake . Indeed ECL is a serpent!

While ECL is known for his evil matrix of bloodshed and his love to see blood in the country as he did when he saw many to death under his leadership, he should be reminded that he is not God to claim HH would not reach 2026.

What exactly does he mean when he says HH will not finish his term ? It is not the first time ECL is saying this . What is his evil plan on HH and the nation ? We must all watch ECL statements closely as he goes on rampage claiming to be practicing politics and wanting to incite people .

To some of us who think differently , ECL is up to serious evil !

Many of us recall , often time , ECL would wear a lamb – skin then use the same pulpit to cause bloodshed among citizens like the evil King at the time of the Children of Isreal in Egypt . ECL would gather for prayers at his time and an hour after prayers , his carders would attack citizens with unregistered guns and machetes . This is exactly how the serpent works . The word serpent means , a specialist at deception ; this is what ECL is good at – then bites with venom and shed blood after wards .

It is under his reign that w Lawrence Banda died , Mapenzi Chibulo died , Nsama Nsama died and many others in very tyrannical undertakings .

It is under his reign that a strange bloody experience stormed Zambians in the name of gassing and magic in which gassers could disappear and turn into cats … as narrated by police. It is under this gassing fiasco , that a police officer was punished for telling the nation that gassing suspects were finally caught . This punishment of an officer by ECL administration, up to now , is suspicious!

A shock of his life is fast approaching again . Zambians may recall that this is the man who challenged God that he would hand over power to himself and went to the extent of “practicing what looked like charms” by eating a snake in Mbala , taking advantage and hiding in the military parade and practice.

But like Nebuchadnezzar, God wrote on the walls of ECL’s bedroom that his days were numbered and his space was being given to a serious person to fight corruption and ensure all Ukwa bags full of stolen money are recovered for the poor citizens.

What ECL is supposed to do is to explain to the nation how his family acquired the properties they are losing and where they got the money from , than trying to play tricks of being politically relevant so that once the allegations reach him , citizens may conclude he is being pursued due to his political ambitions. Such politics is outdated !

Many people may recall that ECL could teargas worshipers ; citizens do remember that ECL tear-gassed Dr Nevers Mumba in Eastern Province together with other worshippers.

Clearly , as Hon Chabinga states , something is not okay in the mind of the former head of state . We should have listened to Hon Chabinga .

We all know that ECL has a bad heart . When he hates , he hates to kill . He does not forgive – this is his true identity. This is the man who closed all media houses that ever criticized or spoke against his leadership. He fired whoever was from what he called Zambezi clan and divided the country to the extent of creating ethnolinguistic rivalry.

Shamelessly, he does not realize that when he talks of coming back , the blood of those he killed is crying . Children of Nsama Nsama are parentless due to ECL’s bloodthirsty leadership .

Joseph Kaunda’s child is parentless . Mapenzi Chibulo’s child is parentless , Lawrence Banda ‘s child is parentless all because of the barbaric leadership that ECL administered . Kasongo is gone !

When ECL talks of coming back , those workers who lost jobs after he closed Indeni are listening and they have to teach him a lesson soon .

When he says he is coming back , the 258000 farmers whose future he destroyed by failing to pay for goods supplied to FRA are listening . The over 39,000 of youth teachers he failed to recruit and are now teachers are also listening.

The over 14,000 health workers he condemned to the street due to unemployment but today have jobs are also listening .

The civil servants he fired based on ethnicity are also listening . Police officers who voted against him due to his bad leadership are also listening .

The soldiers in all Barracks who voted for HH are also listening .

The citizens who today are going through problems because of the debt mountain , ECL bad mining policies leading to serious unemployment at KCM are also listening .

In summary , ECL should not think that people admire the barbaric leadership he made us go through simply because the few basic necessities prices have gone up . These are matters that will be addressed soon through an already established strategic plan under the UPND Administration, and he will have nothing to tell the people . UPND came with a framework for economic recovery and many of such issues arising from a previously badly run country will soon be history.

Truth be told , the ruins that ECL caused to our economy are being felt now and all may not be resolved in less than 2years . As many have observed , more time has been spent negotiating the debt that ECL caused … yet the one who caused it with his minions want to be Champions of propaganda that the economic woes are because of UPND ; turning round forgetting that the chaos they caused was futuristic in consequences .

Sadly, the few noisy PF carders who voted for him are still making noise like they did but were fortunately the minority.

They cheated him into believing he had support until he was ejected from leadership . They have continued cheating him even today that he would return power and kill more citizens.

The PF MPs that supported him hoping he could win , will now think twice about their political journey . If ECL thinks properly , he must think twice about his intrinsically motivated self deception about victory .

His political journey will end badly and he will remain a bad example of a losing president in the history of Zambia and the whole world .


  1. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL KNOW HIM – This one who was president from 2015 – 2016 plus the ( stollen election in 2016 – this snake hiding in hooves did not hand over power to the speaker as per ammended Zambian Constitution of 2016 )

    Matthew 12:34-40 New International Version (NIV)

    You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.

    His facial and body language plus that which is stored in him tells exactly what type of a person he is, and even offloading it to his followers openly now. Alot will be heard especially with the dunamis room of pule and the mwambas as moving wheels. Time is of essence, it will tell exactly in it’s season.

  2. ECL is very bitter with the New dawn and Bally
    That he wants to come back and rule again.
    The Answer is with zambians?

  3. ECL right to say that he is on one side a dove and on the other side a snake. That’s a correct definition and description of a hypocrite. That is also the nature of thieves. And advocates for early election because he knows the law is now moving at a supersonic speed to bring all thieves to book

  4. I’m dissappointed with the way UPND is handling things politically. Especially the UPND media team, UPND media, sympathisers, UPND media personalities and above all the UPND Secretary General is a major let down. You cant have a party which has no mobilisation strategy politics is about numbers. The once dead and burried Edgar Lungu is alive and kicking today. The UPND media is so personal and highly limited in counter checking ECL.
    You keep on writing same articles & same references while Lungu is making different moves. It will a disaster to have Lungu back in power. Alot of videos and articles are brought out against HH and UPND, but your Koswe media & others can’t get anything against Lungu and PF, Nawakwi, Sikota, Pule etc. It is not about character assisnation it is about politics. Be proactive and be ahead as a UPND media team, do alot of research and well documented articles. Involve alot of people do not be a closed up house you wont get anywhere. No emotions attached it is ahout convincing people.
    Your articles are always shallow, emotional and repeatative. Change there is alot you can tell people which Lungu did wrongly and is doing wrongly, but unfortunately you are consumed with anger qnd hatred.
    My advice check the way FTJ & MMD handled KK & his come back to politics may be you can learn something. The english says ‘give enough rope to the fool to hung himself’ that is the way to go with Lungu.Wake up UPND media, wake up UPND Party Secretary General too sleepy and dull to win this battle.

  5. I did not know this boy is such a nicompomp. As if he has never been to university. When one uses a simile like” be as wise as a serpent” does one mean they are telling you to be a serpent. What a political id!ot of a graduate!


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