Economy is in deep waters because of selfishness – Bishop Mambo

BISHOP John Mambo
Bishop John Mambo

CIVIL Society for Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) chairperson Bishop John Mambo says Zambia’s economy is in deep waters because of selfish individuals who have prioritised purchase of arms over investments that can creates jobs.

Bishop Mambo has asked the PF government to “work for the people that have put you there. Bury partisan politics and get to work. Stop mocking us that you will not surrender power because it is sweet.”

He said he agrees with Socialist Party president Fred M’membe’s statement that Zambia is sitting on a time bomb because of the high unemployment and growing poverty that is resulting in increased crime.

The Chikondi Foundation president said Zambia’s high crime rate was emanating from the increased number of jobless people who are prone to be engaged in vice.

Bishop Mambo said Zambians must work together regardless of the political parties they represent and share ideas on how to come out of the bleeding economy.

“It is important to note that as a country we are getting into deep waters and it appears that if we talk about unemployment in Zambia, it is a by the way thing but if you look at the expenditure in terms of billions of dollars going to the police, we have seen more military machines being bought but the question is, is Zambia at war? With who?” he asked. “The expenditure on these things is now going up. More and more military machines are coming in the country. Our military men and women are supposed to guard the borders, which our parents who are still living left us with; the Kaundas, the Mulundikas, the Winas, the Grey Zulus are still living. I wonder what they think if they see the way the country they fought for was going under.”

He said young people were abusing alcohol and drugs because the government has failed to provide opportunities for them.

Bishop Mambo said there was need to prioritise investments that would create jobs for young people.

“When it comes to unemployment, and putting education as a priority we are failing. Why am I saying so? This is a second month, you cannot pay professors, you can’t pay lecturers and yet there is money for by-elections! And you are quick to dance, saying ‘we have achieved’. If you are going to dance for the by-election and that by-election is passes and tomorrow there is nothing to put food on the table, then know that something has gone wrong,” he said.

Bishop Mambo said Dr M’membe’s statement should not be politicised by those in power but should be reflected on for the good of all Zambians.

“So every well-meaning Zambian must say, ‘look we have all what it takes, once we got our independence, our priority was that we create employment and focus on building the country under One Zambia, One Nation. Whether we are in the same party or same church but all that doesn’t matter. What matters is we are all living in this country, Zambia. Let’s put Zambia first,” said Bishop Mambo. “When you are in power we should not just experiment but work for the people that have put you there. Bury partisan politics and get to work. Stop mocking us that you will not surrender power because it is sweet.”



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