Edgar Lungu occupied 4 properties at the same time:The Chawama/Jack Compound House, Lewanika close Ministerial House, Nkwazi House in State House and State Lodge



    By Thabo Kawana

    I notice the talk around the President moving to State House (Nkwazi) is around distance among other things.

    Before ECL was appointed Minister, he was staying in his personal property in Chawama/Jack Compound. After been appointed Minister, he moved to a Ministirial house on Lewanika close off Brentwood Drive.

    He then became President and moved to State House, even there, it is no secret that ECL lived and stayed more at State Lodge than Nkwazi in State House.

    State Lodge is further away from State House in proximity as compared to Community House.

    ECL never vacated his Ministerial house on Lewanika close even after becoming President, his relatives continued occupying it through out his Presidency. Also his former Chawama/Jack Compound house was secured by state security whilst again, his relatives occupied it and not himself.

    So in essence, he occupied 4 properties at the same time. The Chawama/Jack Compound House, Lewanika close Ministerial House, Nkwazi House in State House and State Lodge.

    But today you want to vilify a man staying in one house, near State House and does not draw an allowance for staying in his own house thereby saving State resources as no other house is been secured by State Security on his behalf, neither is any of his relatives occupying Govt property on his behalf or in his name.

    Someone ought to help me with the definition of hypocrisy because if this isn’t hypocrisy, then I don’t know what is.

    But I dare say again, surely this is a pure way of putting time to waste in these unproductive debates.



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