Edgar’s Choice Of Running Mate Explains PF Manipulated Adoptions



    The Candidates’ Comment

    Many people are surprised with the adoption choices of the Patriotic Front (PF). In most instances for many people, it is difficult to understand why PF adopted certain characters.

    Until today, people are shocked that Margaret Mwanakatwe was adopted against Charity Lumpa for Lusaka Central Constituency. We all know that Margaret is slave to alcohol. While we appreciate her academic qualifications and her achievements, Margaret has proved that she is a disgrace to herself, her family, the PF and government. This is someone who has failed to control her appetite for alcohol to an extent that she does not mind going on national television belegede. This Margaret has not done anything worth talking about in Lusaka Central during the last five years she has been a Member of Parliament to justify her adoption.

    Beyond what the surface suggests, there is a methodical scheme that has been set in motion by some PF power hungry cabals whose eyes are fixed on who takes over from Edgar Lungu after he completes his 2021 term, if they win power.

    Edgar Lungu will not have any control over who takes over from him in 2026. While many people think President Lungu has played his cards right, to the contrary, he has been played by the very elements he has chosen to surround himself. In 2026, President Lungu will not be eligible to run for office and his choice of running mate Nkandu Luo will be too aged. The PF will need to choose another person to preside over them. This explains why PF Secretary General Davis Mwila in partnership with many other elements ensured that certain individuals were eliminated from the corridors of power and replaced by characters whom they can control at will.

    Those who have clean reputations and are not prone to be compromised by these power-hungry jackals have been targets of purging through a rigorous partnership. This explains vividly why Vincent Mwale, Sylvia Chalikosa, Brian Mushimba, Martin Malama and many others have been purged from PF in a manner that most people have questioned.

    It is not a secret that a very good number of PF senior officials have soiled reputations. Many of them are known crooks, bandits, corrupt mafias who have no respect for public property and resources. If you get Ronald Chitotela and Vincent Mwale and ask people to choose who should be their leader, Vincent would win with a land slide. Why? Because while you may have second thoughts with trusting Ronald with simple lions or a black lechwes, Vincent on the other hand has proved that he has respect for public resources and that he is honest.

    If you get Chitalu Chilufya and Brian Mushimba and ask people to choose who should be their leader, absolutely, people will choose Brian. Why? Because while you can’t guarantee that Chitalu will purchase condoms that are fit for public use, you can rely on Brian to take the interest of people at heart. Yet, PF saw it fit to eliminate Vincent and Brian, and replaced them with elements whose characters are very questionable.

    You can get as many people who have been adopted in PF today and compare them to Vincent or indeed any of those who have be purged, you will still have no one trustworthy with a reputation to lead any sane society.

    These cabals in PF realized that when Edgar Lungu hangs his boots, there will be a fight to replace him. They are not prepared to have people with clean reputations around them because such will outshine them. This explains why some of the most trusted persons were not adopted and replaced with crooks.

    We have no doubts whatsoever that Davis Mwila and his sycophants looked beyond now when they ganged up against trustworthy individuals in their Central Committee. We know Freedom Sikazwe, Mumbi Phiri, Davis Mwila, Kennedy Kamba and many others ganged up to purge the most trusted people in PF. They knew about the choice of Edgar Lungu for a running mate and they foresaw that at some point, they will fight for who should lead them. Those who have been given adoptions will have to pay back by supporting the choice of the Luapula United clique. Most of the adopted candidates are weak people whom the Luapula United clique will easily control.

    Perhaps, it explains why PF has adopted a slave of alcohol against a principled and upright person like Charity.



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