When those elected to provide solutions fail to deliver, the people have no alternative but to remove them from power.

If those in government cause more pain, misery and suffering than they found, the people have no choice but to remove them from power and find alternatives. It can’t be that you fail, and then you start putting pressure on those that were not given the mandate to govern to provide solutions. Why are you there then? You claimed to have the correct formula for the problems but suddenly you have lost it. How?

We urge the current government to provide solutions to the promises they made to the people or leave in 2026. They were elected based on what they promised the people and to bring immigalato or to deepen the crisis.

And we can all clearly see, even those in denial that Mr Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND have lamentably failed to provide solutions to the many promises they made, and that the only thing they can offer now chintinya nobufi.

Zambians should be empowered to know that when governments are given the mandate by the people to address their promises, the manifesto they present at election time to the electorate becomes the marking key. And politicians must own up when things fail and not pretending to be implementing the flowery promised they made. Ukusabaila nobufi when failure is written all over their faces!

A government is responsible for providing solutions to the problems in the country and not the opposition. The opposition only compliments. So the UPND should stop being mischievous by throwing it’s failures to the opposition by always saying “What is the alternative or what can you do in this case?” As if they are even prepared to implement the numerous proposals coming from the opposition. How many solid ideas and solutions have we shared with them without them deliberately misrepresenting or maligning us?

The people of Zambia put Mr Hichilema and the UPND government in power to provide solutions and address problems such as the high cost of living, high fuel costs, terrible loadshedding, shrinking democratic space. Therefore, solutions to these problems and many others should come from the UPND. That’s the job of the sitting government and not opposition.

Like we have said, the legitimate job of the opposition is compliment by providing checks and balances, pointing the government in power to the correct things that they should be doing.

And a listening government should take note of what the opposition is saying. And not adopting a know it all attitude or Mr Hichilema’s famous words “for the first time in history”.

Let Mr Hichilema listen, an overdose of praise through his self-praise and praise singers will sink him sooner than letter.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. I thought we removed the failures in August, 2021, which other failures are you seeing Sir? And according to you, what have they failed? What kind of a person are you, where we are seeing light, you, you are seeing darkness, where we are seeing a way, you, you are seeing mountains. Even God doesn’t use such people like you because they are hindrance to themselves and to others.

  2. Citizen, you been on these social platforms from Lusaka times now every where. We used to exchange and contribute effectively sometimes strongly disagree and agree on the previous administrations , on Late Michael Sata you hated the man with passion and your contributions are there , Lungu just the same. You have always have a very softy touch or appreciation for UPND.
    Back to the point, Now that your favourite political party and leaders are in power with so many challenges, some self inflicting and others natural disasters. My brother Citizen, you agree with me that things are worse than when this administration came into office. Good leaders are those how accept the wrongs and learn from the failures as failure does not define you but makes you more determined and capable to make it better.
    Destroy the tenets of the democratic process and systems does not work for political parties in Zambia as history suggests. KK tried , let me remind my brothers in UPND, father Lombardo who was in charge of Ichengelo KK and his minions threatened the priest with deportation, life , called the Catholic names , KK tolerated what his minions threats towards the Catholic even threatened the catholic if he wins the elections, bakatolika Mukanwa pabakolona.’ Vigilante batted people , lack of money , food and the coupons were introduced. Mighty KK failed. Chiluba tried third term . His minion went after the church , Archbishop Moundu was insulted and called names the result was misery for Chiluba. Fast forward, Lungu the same happened cadres became more powerful than the police. Nkandu Luo insulted the archbishop Mpundu. Even Mumbai Phiri who can be notorious openly disagree with Nkandu Luo . Lungu lost.
    Today, we have more ministers insulting or threatening and constantly picking up fights with the Catholic Church, siakalima called people of Luapula have poverty of the mind. Do expect votes from people with poverty minds? HH recently in Muchinga province insulted chiefs who went welcome him with respect as their son and also as their republican president, you look unhappy, we don’t move with brown envelopes. Muchinga and Northern are have more Bemba Chiefs and this has inspired the subjects not to give a vote to HH. Imenda called the archbishop of his Grace Banda lucifer, this has not been received and does not sit well with the Catholic Church. Priests threatened and insulted by HH . The police has become a militia group any dissent against those in the corridors of power or aligned you will be arrested as a criminal. Lusaka commanding officer and Copperbelt must be the happiest men in uniform but their end will be a disaster including, IG and minister of home affairs
    UPND can put their people in all sensitive and vital institutions ECZ , Police, DEC , ACC, Judiciary, parliament, Zesco , ZRA , Defence and Airforce but when people want a change this will not stop the change. Please go back to a drawing board and change for you to succeed be cause intimidation, suppression, hatred, violence., tribalism, nepotism, arrests, just to mention a few will never help you but harden the hearts of of those people whom you will need most to hold on to power.

    • Zambians we like focussing on Symptoms and not the Root Causes of a problem. Among Racial Groups the Root Cause of hatred is RACISM. Among Zambians, the Root Cause of hatred is TRIBALISM, and this is exploited to the hilt by the Politicians and those Zambians still alive who were born in the 1940s-60s (The aged Dinosaurs), their DNA is Tribalistic, no question about it, however much they pretend or try to launder themselves they remain tribalistic (The Leopard can never change its spots). Unfortunately these Antique Dinosaurs have vaccinated this tribal poison into their children, (uyu mutundu ubi, ooyu mushobo mubi, batu baa kimang’ete kiba maswe, uyu mutundu suu libbwino). Stupid and moronic Prejudice!!!. Our only hope is to salvage the new breed and generation of future Zambians to value a person based on personality not tribe. I suppose we should not give up on late KK’s encouragement on intermarriages among our tribes. My opinion.

  3. It puzzles me why we struggle to find good people to be president. We have been lucky before when we had KK and Levy as our leaders. Selfless sons of the soil, these two great men.

    The others, awe sure. The current one has been a huge disappointment. What a waste of 5 years for our beautiful country.

    But who do we think can take over. Who is the next Levy Mwanawasa?

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  4. Fred should ask himself a question why the previous government entertained the issue of debt swap for Public Workers just before the 2021 elections, which was very highly welcomed. The government leadership then used to contract loan on ad lib basis, exactly the same as some Public Workers, others even getting ‘Kaloba’. Getting off the hook of these money lenders is like pulling a tooth.The consequences are dire though. Free education policy is helping alot.

  5. But ba Fred VEVE ni kuwayawaya fye no data.Even ECL is better by far.No wonder ECL ana mu diling’a.The man’s grey matter is failing him.Old age probably.But the question is who is older than the other between ECL and Fred?But Fred is honestly below par.Politics is not like learning how to swim.I told him show signs of giving solutions not name calling and hate talk.


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