Home Sport Football FAZ Advises Kalu To Leave The Stage While People Are Still Clapping

FAZ Advises Kalu To Leave The Stage While People Are Still Clapping



Football Association of Zambia [FAZ] spokesperson Tyson Mlauzi has urged the football legend Kalusha Bwalya to leave the stage while people are still clapping.

“Please let’s learn to leave the stage while people are still clapping and let him be patriotic rather than lose what he has achieved in all his years. Kalu needs to aim higher and the nation will support him because he does not need to listen to job-seekers that have surrounded him,” he said.

“Any patriotic and reasonable person at this juncture will support the current president Andrew Kamanga’s administration. Kamanga has brought high standards of corporate in the administration of football country-wide that has given a lot of people hope. Currently the lowest teams in the Super League gets K200,000 compared to the K7,000 they used to get in Kalu’s time. Kamanga has laid a good foundation for all national teams compared to only concentrating on the senior national soccer team.”

Mlauzi has also appealed to the Zambia Police command not to be used by politicians and make partisan decisions such as retiring FAZ general secretary Adrian Kashala.

“The decision made made by the Zambia Police to retire a patriotic and hardworking Zambian in the national interest beats all sane logic,” said Mlauzi.

“Kashala has served the Zambia Police with dignity and honour, his selfless service speaks for itself.”



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