Home Politics UPND Fisho Mwale schools Laura Miti…after the Human Rights official jokes about JJ...

Fisho Mwale schools Laura Miti…after the Human Rights official jokes about JJ Banda disappearance

Fisho Mwale

Fisho Mwale schools Laura Miti

…after the Human Rights official jokes about JJ Banda disappearance


Below is Mr Mwale’s reflection in response to Ms. Miti’s sentiment captured from his Facebook page.


My two cents on the Jay Jay saga. If it wasn’t for your writing today I would not have commented on this very sad and unfortunate saga. I have always respected and followed your writings. But this one was embarrassingly shallow, devoid of any empathy for the victim and his family.

What are we coming to as a nation? The starting point for your writing should have been on the state or condition of Jay Jay and the obvious trauma that he was in as well as the family. Whether it was staged, phony, or a political stunt by both Upnd or PF sympathizers those terrible hospital scenes clearly show that Jay Jay was in danger, he had been hurt and the family was traumatized. Why have we become so callous and inhuman?

There was absolutely no effort to respect medical professionalism or first level emergency procedures by those armed police officers. Was the protocols relating to a patient’s rights to a choice of medical treatment followed. Am presuming Jay Jay was neither under arrest nor a suspect. From where I stand what I witnessed was “Sympathetic Kidnapping by security officers “ which was still not legal!

I have been a victim of 4 armed robberies, 2 in SA and 2 in Lusaka. The last one in Lusaka in 2011. I was ambushed outside my gate , kidnapped at 21 hrs and was only released at 2am. It is a terrible experience and the worst part of the nightmare was when it took me up to 6am to convince my wife and relatives of my brush with death , of my humiliation at the hands of ruffians who were as young as my children grabbing my genitals and putting a gun to my face.

Laura dear Sister let us give space for the healing process for all of us to start . We are being torn apart as a society and it will take people like you who wield the pen which is mightier than the sword to help all of us cast our egos aside, our vitriol and toxicity so that we can reach out ,touch our souls find peace and love as Zambians. Jay Jay Banda MP is physically and mentally devastated. Whether it is by design, by conspiracy or accident is not important, he is hurt and could die. Let us be Zambians and love one another .

Your brother Fisho


  1. You are not normal you useless Sob. But it’s you people who have brought tribalism in Zambia. Kaunda warned Zambians. We warned Zambians about voting in some people, they didn’t listen. But God is Almighty, these tribalists in government will end up very badly! Thanks Fisho you have written a very mature moving article. But some tribes are so tribe that as long as it’s not somebody from their province who has written they will not support, even if it has no problems. But when somebody from their province writes rubbish they will support. I really wonder what will happen to these heartless people in Upnd government after they are out of government. They are so dull they think they will rule forever. But people on the ground want them out now! Laura Miti has just shown how useless she is.

  2. Ba Mukuka, you yourself are tribal and this clearly shows from your posts. PF took tribalism to a level never seen before and to make matters worse, they always point at the victim and paint him as tribal when in actual fact they are the culprits.

    Like everything else, it will take a generation to repair the damage PF inflicted on our nation. They managed to corrupt every area of our lives, including the catholic church, something that had never happened before. Now they are openly threatening tribal war!

    Mr. Lungu’s PF is the true representation of hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness.

    • The point is that our brothers in UPND who are mostly from one province are country cattle herding brethren.Apart from attending boarding school,some have never interacted with “outsiders”. Mistrust, fear of strangers and stereotypic presumptions are self-preservation stances of rural people.HH is a case in point.
      Having been thrust in real arena of diversity and competition, they are psychologically overwhelmed and insecure.
      God intended to expose them to government.They now know it’s a hot kitchen. Next time, they’ll do better and work with the rest of the brethren securely and unthreatened .


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